Beneath the surface

Beneath the surface of what is
Life the ocean wide
The orcas and the dolphins
Simply cannot hide
Plunged into captivity
The aqua parks deceive
Their public into thinking
That they alone achieve
A wonderment
In what is
A cash cow concrete pool
Split up from their loved ones
Tis there they overhaul
All that once was natural
The family the whole scene
Sacrificed by human corporate
Bankers the most mean
And selfish self indulgent
Creeps that ever walked this earth
Possessive bloody narcissists
Without a hint of worth

Good for nothing scoundrels
Double dealing sods
Unprincipled and insincere
Creating fucking rods
For all those sweet intelligent
Creatures sentient souls
Captured and slung in a pool
With felonious controls

There was a time when
Trainers thought that what they did was right
They would give the orcas so much wisdom
And such light
Listening to the corporates
Watching what they do
Creating a new paradise
A life so good and true

Of course this was all rubbish
A terrible life ahead
Under the waves was purgatory
Many soon were dead
Their teeth worn down
Their boredom something all could see
Prisoners all so depressed
Where they shouldn’t be

The outrage and humiliation
Was scornful to be sure
How neglectful was our arrogance
How we could ignore
The liability of caring
The duty that we had
We forfeited their freedom
We were entirely bad

Would they now forgive us
Be lenient and say
Really they were grateful
To tragically still pay
Their freedom lost forever
Their agony on fire
Their misery and constancy
Their life of course so dire

The brutal savage treatment
They handed out each day
The lies they told about us
We were cursed in every way
At our expense they profited
Our agony they bared
They were commercial terrorists
And nothing have they spared

And they had the worst intentions
The malignancy was there’s
Uncharitable and intolerant
Giving up their prayers
To their gods how they were ignorant
Sadistic really so
Mischief making cretin
Whose egos grow and grow

Maleficent caustic beings
Whose base savagery
So good at maligning
The sentient like me
Who swam into their vile embrace
And felt their crushing lies
The ruthless the hard bitten
Who failed to realise

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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