A spectrum disorder

The rate of growth in environmental
The inoculant that subdues
The spirit child
Who is medically disabled
Potentially enabled
Who has crossed the current
Bordering on the wild

We refuse to understand
Their coordination
A gift alongside their
Creative flair
A spectrum that evolved
Bringing puzzles to be solved
And our ignorance which
Most are not aware

Alien accomplishment
Socially inept
Their shadow crosses
Birth parents
For reasons which have swept
Into the minds eye
Safe to say
The reason why appears
To heighten tension
Not to mention
Progression down the years

Digital diversion
An incursion paved with fear
To what is the true reversion
To absolve the soul and clear
Away the human clutter
The light force some have stored
Who possibly act differently
Who just cannot afford

The same degree of importance
To be socially aware
To live and act creatively
But whose wish is not to share
The same degree of adjustment
To the pleasures we might feel
Who are driven by electronics
Whose environment does reveal
A totally obsessive side
A dictation in the mind
Able to distinguish
The coding underlined
Brutally asserting
The robotic counterpart
Juiced up and digested
Via a mothers broken heart

Often an indiscretion
Leads a father down the road
Out into the world at large
Leaving the heavy load
In planted in the matriarchal
Breast to fester long
This is what is happening
But seldom seen as wrong
Of course it’s inexpiable.
A transgression of a sort
Unrighteous in so many ways
Completely without thought
Egotistical and self absorbed
A mercenary perhaps
Dispassionate and uninvolved
And gradually that saps

The spirit of the spurned one
The worthlessness they feel
The rascality and unfaithfulness
Mowed down by the wheel
That rumbles ever onwards
Taunted by Us all
With the Indignity and real home truths
Coming home to call

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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