
Innocent sweet beings
Underneath the sky
Very social creatures
Always asking why
They have to be transformed into
Filth for they do not
Operate in such vile ways
It’s, not how they got
To where they are
It’s totally wrong
That their role In life should be
As Cerridwen intended
Not failed by us miserably

Communication is their thing
vocalising really well
Nest building they do have the means
Instinctively to sell
Themselves and create wonder
They love their mothers so
They can recognise their mothers voice
And are clean as well we know

Australia has some 50 piggeries
Stretched across the land
Factory farming seems to be
Anything but grand
Farrowing crates low ceilings
Evil smelly places
Fly Blown maggots everywhere
And men with ugly faces

Flies, webs,urine mildew
roaches scurry there
Maggots,loops of dirt and mildew
An additional despair
Rats feed on the excrement
That falls beneath their feet
Hell on earth is what it’s worth
Which rapidly does unseat

Who’d be a sow?
Stand up sit down
Who’d be a piglet
Would want a sow to fall down
On the likes of you
As piglets, they are desperate
To taste her milk and try
And get out of the way in case
Mama wants to lie

Down to rest her body
Aching from the strain
Of being in this rotten crate
Just trying in vain
To avoid hurting her babies
But with little room to turn
Tentatively she lowers herself
With so much real concern

Each of them is suckling
Grunting, snorting they
Are, huddled together
In their own peculiar way
She has been raped it appears
2/ 3 times each year
And for 6 weeks has been in this crate
In the most abject fear

Scarred up wounded badly
Look at her doleful eyes
Such concern for her litter
How she does realise
It has just been purgatory
What else could she do
The squealing of her babies
It overwhelms her too

Artificial lighting
No sunlight to behold
Lots of babies mummified
Some sadly have rolled
Through the bars completely
And lay now on the ground
Kicked along by workers
She heard each tell tale sound

Some chew on their own legs
Can you imagine that
And it’s all down to the farrowing crates
We know now where they are at
The farmers are unconscious
Apathetic to a tee
Insensate tough and hardened
Perverted actually

They have no fucking interest
The discomfort they create
Hopelessness and adversity
At an alarming rate
What utter botheration
Down trodden and ill at ease
A lifetime of endurance
And displeasure and unease

Their abdominal muscles
Made weaker so that they
Have prolapsed and misery
All along the way
Writhing bleeding harrowed
Cursed wretched and sad
Woebegone and sorrowful
And going really mad

Maggots crawling everywhere
Lying in ones shit
On an awful concrete floor
And anything but fit
Those farmers need a kicking
Not an ounce of love to spare
A repulsiveness an ugliness
Steeped only in despair

Abuse neglect poor veterinary care
Sores, wounds, ulcers,they
The bars stick deep into their flesh
Flies feeding every day
Suppuration, sepsis
It can only be unfair
Manunkind is all but blind
And distinctly unaware

Pigs are clean they hate
To dump where they eat and sleep
So for man to orchestrate such methods
It’s man that has to reap
The karma that’s for certain
A tortured life is wrong
And man must pay the piper
For,in his hell he does belong

Often prostrate on the ground
And with no where to go
As leaking pipes wash over them
Perhaps up and below
Imagine that inhumanity
Iced water night and day
And it could be for weeks on end
Until they pass away

Runts are killed by farmers
Stomped on by some Lout
Slung across the shed and beaten
No one’s in any doubt
As to the obscene nature
The evil they display
The vulgarity and Indelicacy
How they make them pay

Buckets full of piglets
and others squealing out
Their feet trapped in the gaps in floors
That’s what it’s a about
Unbelievable frustration
Really horrid pain
And nobody cares to help them
Their cries are all in vain

Tails pulled off teeth cut too
Testicles ripped off what to do
No anaesthetic and when they squeal
They are screamed at yea for real
Screamed at by confounded git’s
Craven hearted macabre shits
Inglorious men of disesteem
Part of the outrageous team

Insemination more torture for
Sows who do not see the boar
It’s rape by men a dummy and
The boar may never understand
She’s impregnated with the pork stork
The labourers they walk their talk
Violators evil sods
Who will be rewarded by the gods
Karma has to take them out
And show those bastards what it’s about

Nothing is natural not anymore
It’s all about profit and outside the law
Of Nature of everything that ever was
These wretched souls of course they do bite
Each other,the bars of course they are mad
Lost to the world it’s all gone bad
Bedlam their whole life is hatred and pain
Revulsion and loathing the stink of the drain

Not one time do these pigs get respite from this
Their whole life is dressed up in faeces and piss
No fresh air, no sunshine nothing to do
But die every second and just wonder who
Calls this a life and expects pigs to be
Tortured and treated with improbity
Transported to slaughter not watered nor fed
Electro prodded until they are dead
Watch how they try to all get away
But are gassed to death, and killed anyway

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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