The hunt is on

We have a law
But laws in Britain
Tend to be for those
Commoners the tarted up
The hunter class it shows
Them certainly in their way of thinking
That when on horseback they
Can chase a fox with hounds and be
Unscathed in every way

Enter the hunt saboteur in many ways their name
In French means committing sabotage
Which is not their claim to fame
They are angels, nothing negative
The hunters chose to be
Negative and unruly
As in this case we can see

Saving foxes from the dressed up
Ruffians who hide
Behind their so called society
Their time they try to bide
Denying they are doing wrong
Like criminals they be
but the government is two faced
Making noises seems to me

This happened at Barton-in-the-Beans
2 angels found the hunt
Were beaten up and ridden over
An injured an affront
To angels really everywhere
the demon huntsman say
“Stupid bitch
Get up you stupid bitch”
Get out the way”

These blood sports are
And anathema
A cruel and nasty way
The rich and bloody haughty
Try to make our wild friends pay
Destroy their earth
It has no worth to them
That a family might
Perish just because they take on a wild
Soul put to flight
They Are a bunch of bloody reprobates
Who should be put away
Confiscate their animals
Confiscate their whips
Confiscate their freedom
We are in the grips
Of blood sport toffs
Who take the law into their own
Hands and they
Are fighting with the angels
Who now stand in their way

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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