Lolita revisited it might turn out to be fiction who really cares?

Lolita and the other
Released from tanks they will
Feel that uneasy silence
Where so much blood may spill
Just imagine in that moment
The pollution that will be
Thrown by collective agents
Into the ocean and the sea

The plastic, oil and cadmium
The roll off, the despair
So many species dying
And plants and corals where

Radio activity
Even jellies lost
Imploding which seemed impossible
But that’s to be our cost

So many evils out there
A complete sterility
Lolita swimming through the fog
Hopeful of being free

Lost in a different world
From how it once had been
The tanks of concrete clutter
The audience of doom
The so called training personnel
That rose out of the tomb

The sea bed in upheaval
A cemetery for fear
Unwelcoming to the many
Who have finally returned here

can,we now be responsible
To those prisoners who now be
Given back some freedom
From years of disharmony
Which Became the simple truth
Where oxygen was no more
Where everything was alien
Which most then did ignore

Man is the pollution
Where ever he did go
The concrete tanks he built for them
Where he tried to show
Off their many talents
To a dumbed down public there
But of course he failed so miserably
For none were that aware

Some they took it on themselves
To reach into the abyss
To save and return the many
To reintroduce the bliss
And birthright of the ocean going
Prisoners who had been scuttled
And left broken by the great human machine

We erroneously created this spoilage
And we now
Realise the error of our ways
Really now how
By capturing cetaceans and killing many more
We so imbalanced the environments
And now we face the score

In every walk of life we see
That it’s all too late out there
Every soul had it’s own control
And within its space did share
The qualities it was born to
But man took on his role
To destroy and to imbalance
And has found his own dark hole

Where he sacrificed their being
Where he slaughtered them at will
Where he forced them into abattoirs
And made their blood to spill
He sanctioned those vast CAFO’s
And polluted all he saw
And it wasn’t until the cetaceans
That he had captured
Did restore

Something of equilibrium
That we realise how we
Had ruined literally everything
Within the deep blue sea
We had removed the canaries
They were unable to sing and so
Coming back to reality
To the corporate world of woe
Which marks the end of humanity
Above and now below
Science really lost the plot
And the university
They went along with it
Into a sick depravity
Where everything was ruined
Where everything was lost
The corporates made the decision
In the maelstrom all were tossed
Had we only seen those visions
Had we only let them be
Instead of incarcerating them
Then humanity
Might have actually prospered
Might have realised
The damage that we have allowed
That in fact we have advertised
Might just have been averted
But we were all too weak
And arrogant to see this
And even at our peak
Were too ignorant to understand
We let the corporates fly
We bowed down to their intellect
And let the planet die

The cetaceans were our saviours
Maybe they could be still
Or maybe they will perish too
In all our human swill

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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