how could Mike Moser ever deny
That fur babies don’t get distressed
Before they die
It’s just bloody awful
Their wild lives cut short
By the vilest contraptions
How many are caught
Kept in a wire cage
Who needs a sage
To say just how cruel it is
It feels like an age
It cuts into their feet
And drives these souls mad
And containment is honestly
Terribly bad
Kept in the cold so their fur
It grows thick
Most of these animals get very sick
Before pokers are shoved up their bottoms
And they
Are electrocuted
In this way we pay
For ending their lives
In such brutality
Those perpetrators
From iniquity
Some trappers are used
To trap and to kill
To take out the innocent
And their blood spill
To buy into this trade
For whatever means
You are signing their death warrants
They are not machines
They love and they care and life
Means a lot
Our rancour and malice
Really it’s not
Fair we are pitiless
If we don’t try
To stop buying fur
And boycott those guys
Trading in fur like Harvey Nichol
Of course they are heartless
They don’t have a soul
They know what they are doing
And they do not care
Boycott these stores
Let them know you are aware
Many object and stand outside their stores
So they know we are there
And what is the cause
They have rejected fur in the past
So they know
If they stop selling fur
We will all go
Animals deserve their right to life
Not months of torture
And evil and strife
Mike Moser heads up the fur business, he
Knows the distress and the pain
He can see
He has to admit
And you have to too
Boycott these stores
Don’t wear fur
Now will you?