they used the dead bodies of innocent animals to make a point to Peta

its despicable behaviour

thoughtless and heedlessness

this is an indiscretion

that they cannot redress

taking the lives of others

is unsoldierly and wrong

its trigger happy

harum scarum

and just doesn’t belong


in this sad scenario

what ever Peta says

to take it out on animals

proves to me that theres

clearly a point they are making

and that hunters given guns

and prepared to make such statements

well the whole ideal just stuns

these are innocent animals

with families wondering where

they are now so there’s grieving

but these two cowards dont care

they have no understanding

their hearts are laden down

with toxicity and sickness

in the acid blood they drown


I am so disenchanted

at how hunters believe

they would rather end lives

every time

what does that achieve

a message  a sick message

a tragedy in fact

so they can make some sicko point

because how we react


in a nutshell  they are repulsive

its intolerable how they

react to animal rights issues

by killing all the way

by answering their critics

my murdering again

by arranging it into letters

which is kind of insane


its certainly criminality

and their notoriety

and clear lack of humility

was disgraceful actually

shabby and so squalid

unheroic they

demean themselves by doing this

and their slur is there to stay


they will never live this down

where ever else they go

for it is in their hearts and minds

and of course they know

as do their friends and countryman

as do we who have read

so this evil piece of artistry

will be with them till they are dead


each animal that has lost its life

had its spirit broken by

denial will create a karma

and when people die

the debits and trhe credits are

totted up and they

will all get their come uppence

when the come to judgement day


hunters are in debit

there is no other course

and what they killed those animals for

is now about to force

the gods arms into wrestling

with the reasoning that they

have to receive their punishment


how they will pay


that haughtiness they manifest

cockiness maybe

injurious and scurrilous

contemptuous actually#

is an arrogance so audacious

so imperious

so sad

so discourteous

it provokes response

from others that feel so bad










About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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