before our eyes
what do we see
adults playing silly buggers
a cobra it be
spitting away and pouncing like hell
as the child moves in closer
to a living hell
clearly a threat
hangs over the child
do you imagine the cobra
that snake
that is wild
can relax its power
and turn it to play
frankly think
it can anyway
adults all around
enjoying the show
the baby creeps closer
he doesn’t know
no understanding
of violence at all
the menace in front of him
bluster and gall
the babies crawls onwards
taking the strike
the adults laughing loudly
its something they like
but it is child abuse
on a terrible scale
with a cobra around
just making me pale
we ought to get angry
and ought to be sad
that adults let this happen
for clearly its mad
to leave a child really
in the coils of a snake
and its sentimentality
just for the sake
of entertaining some friends
believing that they
imagine the snake will
just go away