It happened in MANAUS

We don’t know why

it happened

all we really know

is it should never have


whatever so and so

took a sharp machete

and sliced into these souls

clearly was a psycho case

missing his controls

these were unique flesh and blood

and a machete will

clearly do grave injuries

in how much blood they spill

the agony of knowing

the blade is going to cause

really awful injuries

and  all without a pause

death which is  for certain

when  Isabella  was found

with really ghastly injuries

life threatening

in her blood was drowned

and her little brother

Shaik was injured too

but is  now recovering

but shock does things to you

really drags you down a lot

and clearly these 2 hounds

will not forget the vile attacks

and all the screaming sounds

as for the perpetrator

Anubis will be  there

somewhere in the vicinity

the gods are now aware

and such evil like this present case

justifiably so

will  see a response

so violent that whoever

soon will know

and probably will never

ever breathe

and be

mangled up and  broken

in utter agony

it happened in Manaus

thats a city in Brazil

not far from the jungle

thats where he tried to kill

she is now recovering

but clearly in such pain

a machete attack is terrible

its when  life force does just drain

away and in this hot place

infection can explode

and with the antibiotics

it becomes a heavy load
























About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to It happened in MANAUS

  1. Susan Lane says:

    Blessings Rex. Thank you.

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