Dolphins how they fascinate most of us

sailing in the ocean

the mighty ocean vast

can be a very lonely place

not a single mast

can be seen

for ever in  all directions

then you see

the dolphin tribes

they gather

and say Hello collectively


flashing through water

like wondrous shafts of light

playing with the bubbles

they create

their spirits bright

to every lonely sailor

who ever saw them they

make you feel the joyfulness

in their free display


the total exaltation

the abandonment they cause

wallowing in the wonder

unable just to pause

a moment enraptured

by their light

their merriment is out there

with gusto they invite



you feel you want to join them

in their ecstasy of play

leaping through the sunlit waves

creating rainbow spray

it is a blissful feeling

a magical picture and

that'[s what Dolphins do for us

its as if its planned


everybody loves them

everybody cares

except it seems

the Japanese

who slaughter them in pairs

who violate their joyfulness

who prostrate them with woe

who torture them with rigour

which tragically does grow



these are magical beings

one Louis P{sihoyos

made the film the Cove

in that film he discovered

how the men had drove

these wonderful magical mammals

into a killing frame

to murder them in agony

in some kind of cultural game


the air of disagreeableness

the anguish that they feel

the shock that man is this unkind

their martyrdom is real

the hopelessness

the desolation

the uneasiness

they feel

being butchered

so obviously

startlingly so real


all feeling downtrodden

laden with the woe

almost accursed by it all

when most now seem to know

the magic that is the


the courage they do show

the care and unflinching valour

that truly seems to grow


But Taiji pipes an anthem

hammers it home and we

see the slaughter in the water

and the cove red terribly











About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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