81 years old and locked away
in a prison cell yes all day
for 3 whole months pray tell me why?
she fed stray souls
who might otherwise die
hungry little cats
who came
to share some food
the police did claim
in Tampa it has to be a crime
to feed the starving
hence this rhyme
Yes the police
they threatened and they
put this kind old soul away
suffering and humility
is missing
it would seem to me
the starving souls can go to hell
to encourage them
is to really sell
one’s soul to the devil
for its deemed wrong
these wretched cats
do not belong
on this earth
this is a police state
if you feed them
it will not be great
prison is the only way
to teach old folk crime doesn’t pay
the piper comes and you have to be
taken to the penitentiary
to sit and realize your worth
81 years on this earth
hopelessness and desperation
ominous repatriation
suffering in it we share
the little strays and the old folk there
Tampa Michigan USA
hang your heads
for the dismay
we read into what you now do
to the caring sharing
people who
retain their care
retain a soul
and do not subscribe
to police control
where you are at
is clearly seen
by the outside world
now as obscene
you have lost your way
there is no heart
left in Tampa
and thats the start
of a police state mentality
robotic souls
who exact the law
and all its controls