The word that springs to mind in all of this
is arrogance
its science born again
its a rashness and a glance
back into the history
and forward into where
the vision of more profit
stems from being less aware
what stems really from economics
and profit sadly sees
the animals in question
fish or cows or Bee’s
subjected to such unnaturalness
their sacrifice is lost
it isn’t about interaction
its really just of cost
the triple bottom line syndrome
is called into question here
if its just about the financial aspects
possibly its clear
but emotionally it really smacks
at manipulation and
genetics and the science
which was never really planned
from fish to sheep to pigs
the saga has taken some turns
everyone is at it
for me there are concerns
the terms they use
degrades the source
propagation grows
more meaningful to farmers
who now are in the froes
of trying to stay solvent
when the corporate machine
is cutting great lumps out of them
I mean its quite obscene
the farmers they are mortgaged to the hilt
and a bit more
so rapidly adopt the corporate stance
or hit the floor
there are no two words about this
thats the beguiling fact
the hastening of the life force
and how do we react
what of those cloned animals
and their offspring
how will they
fare in the new kingdom
what will it bring
and, to those consumers
of the flesh and milk how will
they react to this abomination
will they still
sup the teat and chew the meat
and pay the extra price
or will more hasten down the road
of none of that is nice
science if thats what its called
is too rash in my view
incautiousness and unwariness
its reckless now to do
its arrogance and ignorance
and those words delve so far
into the common psyche
and likely they will scar
there seems a great impatience
an impetuosity
a dangerous game of brinkmanship
ignoring what I see
the obvious is often
overlooked and we
The emperors new clothes
forgotten seemingly
The European Commission
has studied this a while
The Uk Government hasn’t
and wants to make a pile
a pile of what I ask them
money in their bank
possibly but at what cost
really to be frank
the animals are disregarded
their passion and their pain
their rights to what was naturalness
its all gone down the drain
as to the consumer again
no thought at all
its all about the producer
the corporate walk tall
from tadpole through to pigs
the record of the cloning tribe
what of the surrogate mothers
and the ofspring
they imbibe
the obvious
but as now
there are none
its all about manipulation
when all is said and done
its all about genetics
its all about the way
of pushing up the margins
for every judgement day
thats coming oh its coming
this cloning paradise
has seen its dead and dying
and the pictures were not nice
but the victims are the animals
the voiceless to be sure
they are really vectors
and truly nothing more
herds of living test tubes
who happen to be alive
but can be slaughtered easily
they don’t have to survive
its an abuse of life itself
its science that is mad
for its corporate ideology
and that is why its sad
its only perceived riches
and corporate control
its nothing whatsoever to do
with common soul
Cloning is a miasma
its a step into the night
its an evil preoccupation
and it is far from right
no one knows the outcome
not in this day and age
the experiment is arrogant
the words leap off the page
we must object for their sake
the children coming through
we must object for oursakes
for what are we to do
allow the goons in downing street
to manipulate us all
in the name of science
are our backs against the wall
are they do we want to
go down this road we can fight
we can say no its on mate
it is never right
its deviating wildly from
what we cam e to know
and the consequences could
be so bad so sad as we know