A nice day out in Kent

The breakwaters are emerging

old father time will soon

go back to his chosen dwelling place

beneath the moon

where a fork of golden lightening

points from the sky to where

the horizon meets the salty sea

and leaves its bold light there


thunder is reverberating

with a deep alluring flush

the symphony of wind and waves

and the great ongoing rush

tumultuous the heart beat

where the God’s are heard above

all our heart beats tentative

in the haven where my love

walks barefoot, on freshly washed sand

soft beneath her feet

Luca rescued  jellies

whojust  could not compete

with the tides

that had just dumped them

5 more hours they would

have had to stay there drying

which for them just  wasn’t good


so with Rex’s help they were saved from death

as Luca took them where

the water was much deeper

where they would better fair

meanwhile  Luca, and his mother

skipped and danced,  as they

paddled and dipped their feet and legs

in the waters of the bay


more like a big sister than his mum

it seemed to me

they ran and jumped and played

and clearly did it beautifully


a flaunting of great energy

a measure of its power

descending from the heavens

in an all immortal shower

the great magician’s silver wand

cut across the sky

we all were filling up our lungs

our energy to fly

a savage silence followed

sweetened on the salty gaze

and a scimitar of softness

worthy of great praise


on the beach near Dymchurch

where the seagulls rise and fall

it really was a lovely day

felt by one and all

a vital change of energy

which for us just felt so real

so relaxing so creative

clearly it did appeal


tired and all exhausted

we laid our heads to rest

with dreams of the delights we shared

which really were the best









About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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