McDonald’s customer found a chicken’s head in her bucket(and no doubt complained)

Sadly the customer buying the bucket

of fried chicken bodily parts

wasn’t aware and just didn’t care

was one of those souls

without hearts


she listened to McDonald’s adverts

chicken in a bucket  cheap cheap

okay so it cheap but not for the chicken

just being alive she did reap

the terrible death at the  hands of the

corporate enslaver’s

in some great shed

with their guillotines

cutting the heads off of thousands

all were alive

and then dead


so you could put assorted body parts

into your gob and then chew

you could swallow them down

with your chyme go to town

 their fat and their muscle

will do



for that’s what you eat

so the bucket today

had a head

a wake up call

who is the fool

yes madam that’s what I said



there’s no need to be party

to corporate killing

its not as if the chickens

were ever willing

they wanted to live

not be killed upside down

shackled their heads lopped

as in pain they drown


so you Mrs somebody

can sit and eat

their body parts for your tea

did it make you heave

and did you believe

that the chicken would heave seeing thee





engaged to slaughter and kill

they slice off the necks of

birds hanging free

who are alive and not still

the whole process  is autamated

sped up for profit and so

if the head is a bobbing

possibly sobbing

into the bucket will go

breaded and seasoned

and deep fried

and into your take out may be

a wake up call

to fill you with gall

and remind you

its a chicken you see

now that lady might have been

pecking about

enjoying the life

thinking she

might get a look at the sun

maybe soon

when they slaughtered her

tested her qi

and you went along

to Mcdonalds forgetting

what you eat I’d say

chicken body parts

that were murdered








About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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