Talentless cowards

If ever a breed

has received so much pain

the Pit Bull its part of a

crazy refrain

human’s have taken this

animal to

a frightening level

and what does accrue

is we blatantly do underestimate   how

we can ruin their chances

creating a row

over every true facet

we have made it feel

a fighter, a killer

a testosterone deal


and here we see a guy

with pit bull and he

tosses it backwards

body slamming it, we

can see what he’s doing

such cruelty shows

and he posts it on facebook

and the anger it grows


we hear those wild yelps

from a puppy in pain

and so this creep does it again

and again

of course it goes viral

the world sees the shit

why is he doing this

not caring a bit


carrying on with the torture to show

just what a arse he is

I just dont know

why dogs get this treatment

its all of the time

torture and mayhem

it just seems to climb


out of the gutter

out of the abyss

this is a loyal soul

that really needs bliss

not torture and anger

and vileness and pain

its the lowlife that’s out of

humanities drain


taking frustration out on a breed

that just requires love

not inglorious deed

I hope that the cops

throw the book at this bloke

cos to me this is evil

it isn’t a joke

today people treat

dogs and animals so

somehow their warped brains

seemingly show

a complete

lack of love

a complete lack of care

talentless cowards

who are so unaware

how they look

how they are

what complete disregard

for creation

it just shows me

how a breed can be scarred

by the low life

that litter our streets

and our towns

that imagine through

cruelty they are the clowns

but they are the talentless

cowards and I feel

using facebook

to actually try to reveal

their true self

their brazen

sick in their soul

truthfully arrogantly

out of control









About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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