Animals Rights especially the canine breed

Man unkind uses abuses refuses

to relate to so much

and if one peruses

the stories one hears

we see cases galore

where humans hurt Dogs

and I must implore

everyone out there

to understand, we

believe dogs are loyal

our best friends


and what does it say

is we treat our best friend

so vile and so cruel

the message we send


its easy to hurt those that we love

but why is that forgiveness

comes from above

what world are we living in

whats it about

we accuse we diffuse

we misuse

and we flout



and sentiment

its what we do

some kick the dog

I know it is true

they take their frustration

they take it on board

they are beaten and kicked

we withdraw our accord

humans are so bloody awful

and we

have to stop this

for animals are not here

to be

treated so badly

to take on our ills

their incarnation

gives me the chills

for the number of poems I have written

for dogs

exceeds 200

each day the blogs

crank up the torture

that dogs get and we

have to do something

and  urgently


I have just signed a petition

for what seems to me

the worse kind of abuse

its one tragedy

its been so beaten up

its sickening to see

and it still wags its tail

it seems to me


dogs gets such torture

dog take our pain

dogs are put down

again and again

and still they come back

their tails wagging

for they

forgive and forget

but how we make them pay





About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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