Acetaminophen and the like

The arrogance of science

the ignorance of man

has brought him into conflict

with how the world began

the complex structure of it all

he cannot hope to see

or realise in his life time

for truthfully that can’t be


he takes just one step forward

and thinks he know’s it all

in fact he knows less really

for creation was to rule

the roost it is infinitesimal

its aeons of control

of realisation that our salvation

is more special for the soul


and science is now soulless

it has reached into the dark

its influence of digital

and there it seems to park

forging true emotions

its risen to the bait

of critical devotion

to the masters at a rate


who never sought compassion

who never had true love

drunk on power and corruption

from below not from above

who lost the love of the feminine

and thought only of men

the patriarchal  cycle

that in fact was when


they made their fatal error

and allowed the soul to rise

to emerge out of the darkness

with very clear bright eyes


away from their sick science

their arrogance their vile

insanity to pastures green

where we can reconcile

our real love for each other

not the addiction to

the painkillers

the cold cures

the want of sleep

the true


meaning of existence

is to love and be loved by

someone that you bond with

so togther all can fly

back into reality

where everything is real

food thats grown organically

with passion and with zeal

we have no rerasson ever

to buy the drugs that demons ply

their arrogance and ignorance bound up

in every lie

they tell about their products

their knowledge its so small

they haven’t got a hope in hell

its all about the sell

its all about the money

its nothing to do with you

they haven’t walked the paths of love

they don’t know what to do

they dont know the implcations

if they did it  wouldn’t matter

their judgement is so shot away

their brains are kind of fatter

not full of any meaning

just money thats their dream

and it will be their downfall

believing they are the cream

of this present society

when in fact  they have no clue

to love is the only emotion

that will ever see us through

the arrogance of science

the ignorance of man

lets escape from all that conflict

and create thats the new plan

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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