These grey suited head cases
government blokes
who have never lived
and are clearly just jokes
come up with their strategies
and general crap
and there’s no one around
to give them a slap
yes men with power
the power to control
anyone really that’s got any soul
In Germany right now
“Tascha” a dog
a Staffordshire Terrier
just one small cog
in the life of a boy
whose been comatose for
almost 10 years
what we can’t ignore
since “Tascha came
about 6 years ago
the boy has improved
as the love seems to flow
between “Tascha” and Dylan
it clearly is there
the dog comforts Dylan
and love they both share
this is so touching
the dog licks his toes
and curl’s up beside him
and really it shows
there is magic between them
and with this going on
there is trouble afoot
and soon she may be gone
so a sick boy we see
a dog shares his space
looks after him
and licks his face
mostly we hear
its a beautiful day
but the government grey suits
want to take her away
enforcing the breed legislation
for she
is a Staffordshire terrier
and has to be
removed from the home
red tape and grey suits
compassion less trolls
and right at the roots
is the dog she must die
she is dangerous we hear
she bit a neighbours dog
who attacked her
the fear
of the grey suits
unknowing uncaring
they just
read the legislation
and now think they must
remove the dog
and it must die
and of course now there is
a public outcry
and, rightly so
for, all these rules
clearly the interpretation of fools
a framework no doubt
but what they are for
is some sort of outline
they are not the law
the law doesn’t have to be
quite such a farce
that why we have case law
and what’s come to pass
is a flexible approach
and clearly this case
requires some common sense
and some really good grace
we need arbitration
the dog and the boy
clearly this case
might now annoy
the grey suits
but dangerous she clearly is not
if she’s safe with the child
then that counts for a lot
Thanx so much for these awesome words. Blessed be.
You are so welcome just good I was in the muse two poems important ones too flashed off so quick sometimes I amaze myself like then xx