Lives created who knows
what becomes of them
some we find out
some we never know
“Laura” was pitbull
who became a stray
in her case
the discovery
did show
those of us who heard
about the story
it shattered many of us
to the core
what that darling went through
in the course of her short life
with a parasitic monster
who put her through a war
she became a victim of his
she became a victim
in his hell
he used her
he abused her
how he raped her
passed onto her
that he full well
knew he carried
a pathetic moron
a troll who may have passed us
in the street
a psychopath disguised
as someone normal
who behind closed doors
was anything but sweet
he raped her more times
than most had hot dinners
he hurt her, tore her
her heart was inflamed
red eyed she was put alas on
death row
Laura was an angel
he had tamed
she had human bite marks
all over her body
this violent vampire
had his way with her
one dare not even think
what else he did to her
probably he took her
to the brink
how much she was clearly violated
from her condition anyone could see
now she is re housed and being given love
and is coming back to life extraordinarily
breeders have a vast responsibility
as do owners with a wish to see
animals created to be animals
given perfect homes where they can be
too many end up on death row
on in the pound
sleeping rough out there
upon the street
may be in some laboratory
again being abused
anything can happen
if you ask me
fortune comes or goes
in our society
some live out their lives
with little stress
“Luara” got a great deal of it
and now she’s coming through it all
other angels were there for her no less