People make me puke sometimes
make me feel inside
that what they have between their ears
cannot be relied
to give them any compassion
to offer any thought
for to buy a bob cat blanket
one’s knowledge should have taught
the recipient that a blanket
made of a wild cats skin
with its sweet head still intact
is some sort of sin
this animal was not old
it had no need to die
it had a family waiting
but the trapper he was high
he ‘d laid the dark contraption
and the mother stumbled and
lost her life before the knife
helped me understand
that this human was a monster
that you are no better you
are the reason why this animal
is dead and that is true
because you gave them the profit
and for that the soul did die
the babies lost their mother
you didn’t hear them cry
you didn’t care to listen
or acknowledge their sad pain
all you thought of was yourself
and what you had to gain
well let me tell you something
what I’d like to see
is all those cats that were used
to make the blankets
come to life and then devour
every part of you
but scratch and gobble you in bits
yes on your flesh just chew
perhaps if you could feel that pain
you just might realise
what its like to suffer
it would be your surprise
you could watch your own blood run
onto the bed and feel
the tension in your body
it would be so real
and then you might just
wonder why you chose to buy
a wild cat blanket in the first place
and knowing it had to die
in such awful agony
to the agony you now feel
as each bit of you is eaten
as you become its meal