Thoughts of wild animals and their plight

Germany works into its infra structure
wild life crossings as we do its true
whilst we’re building them within the structure
we’re also doing our best to kill them too
we spend millions putting in vast tunnels
for moles and badgers, foxes even newts
road building takes into account these passages
and by ways
we have to share our spaces as time suits
when we gaze at roads through forests
we may wonder
how deer’s and smaller mammals ever dare
to cross the roads and many do we know this
becoming road kill
we see them lying there
it was a way, it was their way, we encroached
on them
stole their very existence
and just tried to hem
them into a space somewhere
where we couldn’t build
that was our only strategy
and of course if we concealed
way deep under motorways
our camera’s could soon show
that the tunnels, they were being used
they were going with the flow

That Germany is doing it
I am sure the rest are too
we have special crossings on our roads
for Badgers and Foxes who
are then killed by the government
or blind eyes turned away
when the red coated toffs go riding
in the cool light of the day

in many ways its thoughtful
as habitat is lost
to incorporate some by ways
at whatever cost
this stamps some true approval
that they have their rights too
and underlines the ignorance
that this Badger cull does do

and it underwrites the evil that
hunts do every time
they go out with their bloody hounds
and over hillocks climb
we have our varied wild souls
and we have to think that they
have rights to walk the wild paths
anytime of day

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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