Songs of the ocean proved their devotion

How mistrust of each other
produces harsh sounds
and low frequency active sonar
through countless miles
this reverberation
continues to cloud
our determination

what are the reasons
its really about
technology weaponry
where there is doubt
surveillance is out there
both sides project
and those sweet souls between
become so circumspect

they cannot do anything
but we won’t understand
a whales ear drum bursts
when decibels land
180 can kill and it does
at 300 miles
give them more than a buzz

humpbacks quit singing
which is such a shame
their beautiful music
why do we blame
them for such melody
why do we feel
it is right to create
sounds that we say reveal

we are killing the whales
we are torturing so
they cease to sing
flip out of the flow
so that we can respond
to a soviet sub
and they can respond
that is the rub!

destruction of sensitive’s
seemingly goes
judges have said this
as if the law knows
or cares about hump backs
or knows how they tick
tragically they now
miss every trick

and it is sending
the whales in a spin
for them it is really
a terrible din
a distraction perhaps
but a grave sound to hear
in the ocean where many
sensitive’s fear

when their ear drums explode
exposed to such sound
where nobody sees it
and how they are drowned
in sound in those waves
that come crashing in
that tears them apart
and where we begin

to realise
The different navvies around
are an arrogant lot
have many have found
they just turn around and say its all rot
but it’s very dangerous
and safe it is not
and its ignorance really that is
to blame?
and still they are killing
iots much of the same
coming to grips with the lies
and pretence
really at this juncture makes
little sense

the whales and the dolphins
are feeling it bad
the navy is at it
but doesn’t feel sad
they have a job to do
and so a few whales
means nothing in the great
scheme of things
it just pales

into a significance
that’s what they feel
if you look in their eyes
nothing they reveal
automaton faces
computerised thought
robotic extensions
as if they are bought

they signed on the dotted line
and they became
just like little robots
you got it the same
no questions to answer
to answers to hear
its just a sensation
that most wild life fear

that it is a surprise
Imagine the pain for an
ear drum to burst
really it must be one of the
pain that we feel
deep under the sea
and is it all worth it
are the whales now to be
scapegoats and victims
for experimentation
no life of old riley
or Christian celebration
just this stretched sound
as tormented as hell
that breaks into the lungs
as the organ’s do swell

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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