Palm Oil and the corporate fat cats

All the supermarkets
and the corporates out there
all of them are at it
helping us despair
at the razing of the forests
the great lungs choke and cough
can you hear that wrenching sound
as those great trunks all break off
and fall some 40 feet or more
into the litter where
thousands of creature’s’s
live and die anyway they share
this environment
that’s living the cacophony of life
balanced and now mobilised
to share man’s greed and strife

the Orang- utans are up there
their concerns are mine
more and more trees smoking
what were once divine
and now a blackened ruin
as forests open out
and in comes those small palm groves
behold an awful rout

mournful eyes are peering
out of the leafy boughs
their habitat is being torn
away their velvet towers
are now no more all that we see
is vast areas where light
is flooding in and exposing
a truly gruesome sight

its like a bloody cemetery
stumps just everywhere
branches cracked and piled as if
a bomb blew up right there
a lot of little bodies
lay broken on the floor
these palm oil people do not care
all residents they ignore

the corporations out there
and they know who they are
don’t stand on any ceremony
the bulldozers soon scar
what is left of what was
a forest bright and green
and now its just war zone
a mashed up broken scene

imagine those Orang-utans
no trees for them to climb
just hiding in the broken branches
wondering where their time
will be spent in the future
seemingly that’s it
unless somebody saves them
they are all in the shit

rehabilitation might work
but it appears
there’s illegal deforestation
and so a lot of fears
these corporates are above the law
and with money they can buy
anything they want alas
so the voiceless may have to die

they have stitched up the public
in every country, they
are utilizing palm oil and of course
the public pay
they think the food is cheaper
it may be for a while
but in an environmental sense
it is lacking such style

and of course its not just animals
the indigenous feel the heat
everyone is suffering
their poor and so we cheat
them out of sacred land and
food source
its just wiped away
the women raped the men got rid off
everyone can pay

and now we have some sanctuaries
where animals can go
we have the activists out there
the movement it does grow
but the palm forests are everywhere
a shadowy lifeless place
in point of fact it has to be
to my mind a disgrace

the lungs are black and still
the vibrancy is gone
rats and cobras, the odd owl
this curse falls now upon
what was a living city
a perfect web of life
and all we see and hear now
is a a savage sinful strife

Palm oil is in everything
everything you buy
even in one’s breakfast flakes
and of course we do know why
its cheap and labour costs are low
for there’s money to be had
despite the rampant transport costs
the margin isn’t bad

its the environment that’s suffering
and the earthlings that now die
the lungs that breathe life into us
are gone and we know why
so corporates can kill us
and we are taking a hit
weather patterns are changing fast
we are really in the shit

but they now run the world they do
and decide, what to do
they spray the chem trails in the sky
and it falls down on you
they test out various chemicals
and change the weather too
every one’s a guinea pig
in what is the great new zoo

as for the orang utans the elephants
and the rest
I think its now unlikely
or anyway at best
for most of them to be here
say in 30 years
they will have all been slaughtered
that’s how it appears

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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