Oostvaadensplassen ( a so called Nature reserve)

Apparently this wilderness
was reclaimed from the sea
and it was dammed
creating a vast area
the key
5000 hectares crammed
with animals
a “jurassic park”
with herbivores
not put there by nature
but to the sound of some applause

from the forestry commission
men in grey suits who
tried to create from nothing
what was an open zoo
from November through to May
of course the winter took its toll
and the animals couldn’t live their
because the area lacked soul
it was not from true creation
from Nature only men
with little food available
it was clear even from then
that the area could not support
the animals put there
and over the past 2 decades
there has been massive despair

“talk never cooked the rice it only
leads us to despair”
and here we see such cruelty
and although some are aware
and have filmed and told the story
still the animals die
in a wretched state of existence
under and cold grey sky

arrogance and ignorance
and a selfish kind of style
has been bound up in argument
really all the while
penning herbivores into an area
so poor
with insufficient food source
just no one should ignore

dragging ones feet is causing
immense pain for those who
have to live and die there
which hundreds of animals do
weird concepts unsupported
more the flavour of the day
have led to egregious cruelty
all along the way

starving is an awful death
the living dead face wrath
as slowly they fall over
drained out on the path
and all that they were doing
was shooting them before
death in fact took charge of them
outside of natural law

and carting their dead bodies
away for burial and
hiding the fact there were problems
which some can’t understand
and rightly so the agony
the deer and cattle feel
ruminants who cannot even
get a tiny meal

no grass or herbage to speak off
even bark stripped away
desperate animals hopeful of some
food even some hay
that needed to be dropped to them
its not an impossible task
its just to understand their need
which has been too much to ask

man un kind must realise
once and for all that he
is just a simple mortal
not a god regrettably
okay he has computers
and can blow us all to hell
but creating a natural area
out of nothing he can’t sell

there is so much inter connection
the planning must be long
an ongoing not just do it
and leave, ofcourse that’s wrong
so wrong so inefficient
and what we see is they
the animals inside that
vast park
began dying from their first day

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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