Dog murder (Its a waste of time reporting to FB so I include you in this poem as a last ditch effort)

This has to be the worst thing
I think I have ever seen
that these men have the gall to create this
is quite obscene
how face book as a so called
Social Media machine
can broadcast this and not be sick
all I can say is I’ve been
thoroughly disgusted 2 dogs made to fight
by clearly what can only be described
as human shite
where are the police
where is the law
bang them up for ever more
Facebook close this subject down
no dog fighting allowed
anyone who organises this
and is endowed
with profits from the training
of dogs to fight and be
video’d and broadcast far and wide
just has to see
its ratings cropped substantially
its vileness is complete
such graphic ugly obscene stuff
I hereby now entreat
block them from your pages
report them man for man
and prepare to lose substantially
much business if you don’t ban
a boycott might seem crazy
but it may be the only way
to bring you to your senses
about what you show each day

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Dog murder (Its a waste of time reporting to FB so I include you in this poem as a last ditch effort)

  1. Shirley Holman says:


    • Rex Tyler says:

      I agree that is why I thought long and hard before I did it but I have to try to get Facebook to stop doing this despite many attempts at filling in their report forms nothing happens and we rarely get replies this is clearly wrong and face book need to face up to this

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