Pigs in Ireland

Ireland has the shamrock
and the leprechaun
but also has some factory farms
where pigs
are housed in what can be described
as dark satanic mills
neglected somewhat terribly
and watching back the stills
of clearly very sick pigs
and pigs already dead
being actually eaten by some others
its now led
the pigs to become alien
to each other in a way
dirty looking,
in each others excrement
they lay
they should never pay
that high a price to humans
life in such a morbid place
its as if it is deaths door

it upsets pigs routinely
for each has its own
of what is and what isn’t
and some are injured, and they
lay motionless in a crowded shed
in a lot of pain I’d say

then others wandering around all lost
covered in black flies
others laying resting
if we look into their eyes
they hardly look back at us
its as if their planet might
take on such abundance
as if it was their right

Pigs have snouts
their olfactory sense is much higher
than ours
to leave them in this shit hole
for hours and hours and hours
must get into their being
they are clean living and sweet
they hate this kind of vile neglect
and the foulness around their feet.

man exerts a sick control
a disrespectful kind of role
on what’s perceived by him to be
a fat farm slave thats so smelly
but pigs are not in any way
like those remarks
they are clean and pay
much more attention than he feels
in the wild their cleanliness reveals
a need to dump away from where
they sleep and eat and sit and share
ignorance is man’s downfall
but here the pig suffers it all

and its so sad its torment shows
the anguish in those beings grows
and man could easily change things for
the better if he knew the score
but he’s an arrogant sod we know
the pigs all of them suffer so
in their very being they are alone
with nobody to set the tone

its hard to reason why the neglect
they are clearly sick
and the effect
is sharply felt by one and all
sick and dying it does appal

any caring thinking soul
who comprehends the true pigs role
a factory farm holds much less worth
than the pig that wanders on the earth
in a capacity of wild old hog
who roots around, and around the bog
noticing all there is to know
and staying quietly in the throw

where are the men
they could create
a happy place
to consecrate
a place to sleep
for all the souls
who wander far and take
on roles

instead the dark satanic mills
a lurid place that kind of spills
its ugliness into one’s face
and this dire horror
is your place
it is your home
your place of rest
the place that you
believe is best

and to see it thick
with rotting ooze
with waste that you would rather lose
with pigs a nibbling at dead pigs tails
it quickly shows us this farm fails
the basic needs of these fine folk
who descend into the abyss to choke
are not met really not at all
and the pigs are driven up the wall

look at the pictures and remember you
if you eat the bacon or a pig stew
are eating the agony and the pain
and all the frustration again and again
those pigs have been beaten they dont want to die
they just want to live out their lives
and why
because life to them is a wondrous display
having their babies and passing away
its all about life and the passing on
of life to the children here when they’ve gone

but these pigs have suffered terribly they
most are ready to call it a day
neglect is the optimum word I will use
but in essence its really that we abuse

our station because we were unaware
and totally daft that we couldn;t be fair
for that would have given a meaning to life
more than the bacon the fork or the knife

there have been inspections
and cruelty reigns
the pigs many died
under successive strains
the farm has been closed
whilst its cleaned up and we
can see fresh pigs about
now free range actually

for pigs that’s an answer
a worthwhile desire
pigs can be happy
their consciously higher
in merit if we
treat them with respect
and then you can feel it
we all can detect
a joy in the sty
a place that they rest
if their is happiness
then ts been redressed
with just a little care
and some real TLC
which makes all the difference
for people like me

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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