Australia you really do annoy me
Caring now so little for the wild souls who
Give Australia something so iconic
and what the hell is it you want to do
flog them to the Chinese who will eat them
what chance have they with the likes of you
around to decimate them soon completely
someone’s got to tell you what to do
really how you could kill off so many
and establish markets that could see you lose
the Kangaroo yes lose it soon completely
that you would risk this my god I refuse
to darken your doors ever that’s a promise
for you are clearly thoughtless to be sure
this is the wild animals not featured anywhere
because the Chinese knocked upon your door
is money and your profit really all you care about?
as for the sweet kangaroo’s blimey they are in doubt
unique but not uniquely treated they will get the chop
no sentiment no compassion you lot had better stop
live exports and now shipments to China make me spew
Australia you are slipping fast
I am afraid I don’t like you
selling your soul for money
the wild one’s must regret
ever living on your continent
and being sold to pay some debt
sacrificial souls who live and work
and play
who were created uniquely
and all the world does say
the Kangaroo is special
whatever Australian’s do
murder them for leather
clueless, as to their value
4 Responses to Kangaroos Australia is flogging you off to China soon