Violation of childrens rights

Violation of children’s rights
by parents clearly who
are shot away on arrogance
part of the daily stew
introducing innocence
onto a murder scene
on those too young to
participate it is altogether mean

Its brutal posing with a bear
a lion, or other soul
this is something children
could not have a control
over, to imagine this wild beast
who is now no more
and really we must wonder
what the parents had in store

we had no right to kill this soul
creation made it so
and who are we to end a life
who are we to throw
another’s life into the bin
of iniquity, so we
can introduce a child
and so create an anomaly

I see no point, no point at all
in this vile expose here
a murder scene is no place for a child
to me that’s clear
and what parent would choose to show
his offspring in this way
to me it lacks sound judgement
and a pointer to decay

I look upon the dead beast
with love and lots of care
creation made it possible
but of course the unaware
the people labelled hunters
supported by those who
make money from this obsession
with killing, as they do

the guns and bows
and ammunition
the paraphernalia too
the clothing and the camouflage
the industry that do
the advertising, they have the where
for all to sow the seed
and the unaware are ready to
buy into it, indeed

Hunters should be relabelled
killers for that’s the role
high powered rifles take out
the created that’s the goal
and introducing children
into that scenario
is something parents
ought to realise
is not the way to go

down that road
until the child is old enough
to know
right from wrong
where they belong
it will dawn on them and grow
are they to be killers
or carers, they will be
the one’s to make that decision
not parents actually

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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