Some bright spark had this great idea
thirty years ago or so
a Natural Outdoor Laboratory
on an archipelago
and they chose a island
off the beaten track
nobody knew
and set up their station there
caretaker and crew
Originally Morgan Island
but taken over by
the various research facilities
and the monkeys
you may sigh
but it seemed a very good idea
30 years ago
but now some 4000 monkeys
live there
and some locals now know
for years it was a mystery
not many people knew
very very secret
only very few
people had even seen it
or found the island, they
of course were absolutely gob smacked
if their boat did stray
close to this strange island
for then the monkeys came
thinking they were being fed
gangs of them and untame
all screeching like banshees
a frightening prospect too
anyone who thought they might
visit there and view
these monkeys came originally
from India
and increase their numbers
by 700 or so a year
they live amongst the Cypress trees
and skirt along the beach
there’s swamp land and some high ground
and so seem out of reach
when ever they are fed by Alpha Genesis
the company
that seems to run whatever
with the government agency
the monkeys have all been tattooed
and all of them will die
impregnated with some disease
the chances there are high
and all the secret work that
various laboratories do do
it tends to be on these monkeys
who live in the bayou
and they are shipped all over
and used and abused abroad
the came from Monkey Island
but they perish by the sword
and its anything to do with
Bio warfare or very nasty diseases
it appears
clearly some of the vilest experimentation
is carried out on these
which heighten’s dears
some it seems escaped and left the island
infected with the virus Herpes B
it doesn’t harm the monkeys
but in humans 80% is fatal tragically
I am not sure what happened
clearly secrecy
seems to be the order of the day
locals seems to know the place
but no one really shows their face
its more of a myth than reality some say
but clearly its a orchestrated regimen
for Estuarine research away from eyes
they clearly deal with sensitive material
and these poor souls well every soon dies
of goodness knows what awful sick disease
germs and vile synthetics to the fore
they really do go through the evil mangle
and come out like they never were before
Monkey Island yes there is an island
packed with Rhesus Monkeys
all tattoo’ed
and they all are used,
many of course abused
from a ever growing wilder brood
but really what is happening is top secret
America who knows, but those who share
the waterways around that place
should think about it all
for who knows really what is in that air
The cruelty is clearly marked and obvious
except those monkeys live out in the wild
and only get to go in various cages
when their tattoo’d number has been dialled
basically then that is their death warrant
signed right there for collection, and then they
will undergo all sorts of tests
and then of course will go
eventually to the Rainbow Bridge
and play
their new lives out in the great wild
celestial jungle
where all these experimented upon souls go
cut to ribbons brains cut up in slices
and god know what that no one cares to know