Air France/ KLM involvement in Vivisection |Posted to German Vivisection site on FB to Air France and to Twitter

Air France continue’s
shipping little monkeys
destined for
Vivisection periods
such sadness and such gore

plucked out of their habitat
stolen so to say
wrenched out of their being
to be shipped now far away

you know they are the cargo
and your management must be
prepared to count their euro’s
not withstanding, we

are where we choose, as you are
but little souls are slaves
stolen from their families
as if they were sad knaves

and some won’t reach, wherever
their hearts and souls will die
their spirits will be tested
tears will fill each eye

unpacked they will be processed
thats the term they use
put into a wire cages
and truly then abuse

their being, their whole
heart and soul
their everything will be
raped of all desire
and lost effectively

vivisection, experimentation
can we ever feel
their agony
their utter loss
which must be oh! so real

I have to say to all of you
my heart breaks to think
I could be stolen from
the one I love
and there would be no link

she’d be gone forever
and I’d be in some cage
being torn to pieces
in a truly awful rage

I ask you
and I beg you
and just appeal to say
stop these awful shipments
just turn them away

tell them its un ethical
its evil and its sad
its poignant to remind you
of the lovely things we had

the trees, the fruit
the blue sky
my mother at my side
my lady in the evening mist
and sometimes as we hide

away to hold each others hands
and kiss away the night
that freedom we were born with
just seemed forever right

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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