Shark Finning a very cruel way of sourcing parts for soup

Perfectly designed,
over millions of years yes they
Glide effortlessly through the water
on any given day
They do possess a problem
or so it does appear
Their fins are made of cartilage
which when cooked does remain clear

And its become a problem
for it seems the Chinese Race
Make a soup out of these fins,
I agree its a disgrace
But they do, its down to mouth feel,
bitter, sweet and sour,
slimy, crunchy all important
clearly this is how
their history pans out
over centuries they choose
The fins of shark to which they add chicken
but refuse
To stop consuming sharks fin
despite the methods used
of capturing and killing
with this creature so abused.

Such ignorance a fore thought
they simply hack away
at any shark they come across
in a vile and nasty way
Then throw the creature back
into the ocean minus fins
to die of blood loss and of shock
Just another of their sins.

A shark is an apex predator,
with its footprint in the sea
of being quite formidable its true most when they see
A shark, they do feel nervous about stories that they’ve heard
But a shark retains its prominence
and to murder it is absurd.

Taiwan’s just banned the practice
but hasn’t banned the dish
Restaurants serving such a product
boycott if you wish
People have to see that
every creature feels great pain
and sharks are very sensitive
and undergo great strain
Its gelatinous, its not really nice,
its a very Chinese thing
But I think that given how they are caught
and the terror it does bring
To a culinary masterpiece
which this dish purports to be
To my mind its a waste of life
and could be replaced quite easily.

Clearly there is money to be had here
And fishermen and others want to be
Earning big bucks from what they are doing
and criminal gangs are at it, it seems to me
£200 a kilo in the market place that gets the juices flowing I would say
And anyone whose got a boat will take their chance and be afloat
hacking off these fins just any day.

Clearly vegans and vegetarians scorn this
But people who eat Chicken, Cow and Fish
Clearly do not understand the argument
Delicacies of course they do relish
They do not care to think about the animal
How its killed, what pain it felt, for they
are only in the restaurant to eat what takes their fancy,
and if it died in agony, its okay

Some places bring a live soul
to the table and cook it, diners watch the creature die,
they hear the creature sizzle,and as its life does fizzle
what they hear is the creatures death bed cry,
some may be put off by this but others
choose living animals to eat for they
believe its great nutrition I call it sick rendition
my mission is to end this right away.

But the Chinese and the Vietnamese and others
their culinary scope is vast and really they
Can’t see what all the fuss is over when those now objecting.
are eating steaks and fish themselves today.

Its wrong to torture animal earthlings everywhere,
Its sick to not accept this to be wrong
Whether the consumer feeds the rumour
all must face the karma who belong
For its coming there’s no doubt in my mind honestly
Every living creature has the right
To live and not be put to death
in what is abject agony
which is the case I regret to say tonight.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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