Following in father footsteps
is not a good idea
not when your dad
goes out on weekends
and murders some wild deer
skinning them and butchering them
imagine what that does
to a young and sensitive minor
he will not share that buzz
possibly the child feels
that the forest and the deer
where it lives where it was born
where it spend its year
what right has his father
to come and kill the fawn
the mother or whoever
questions just might dawn
as to the bloody murder
that he witnesses he may
want to just get out of there
he doesn’t like the way
his father acts towards wild life
he doesn’t share his view
and just because it his his dad
it doesn’t mean its true
so what we see may not be
reality at all
and photographing his son
instead of in his school
might just be pumping ego
an impression only that he
is learning from his father
when he hates him actually
for he who teaches children
to kill wild life he should be
taken to a police cell
and thrown in there to see
if a night with 20 roaches
could make him understand
that children want a some peaceful play
not shown the killing hand