Fur is the skin of animals tortured trapped and finally murdered by bleeding out stuck on some tree

When the likes of Beyonce, Lada Gaga
Rihanna and Miss Lopez appear just not to
the light that has gone out a while back
on the Fur Industry
the terrible conditions those animals undergo
the trapping the back snapping hung up
and slaughtered so
kept in sad conditions, not fed not watered well
and stripped of all their precious skin
by the men who work from Hell.
Why you stars and pop stars would go down
that dark road
wearing remnants of the slaughter
with its karmic load
being in the spotlight, don’t you ever see
what messages your giving to your
followers, who see
you wearing this vile clothing
high profits for a few
who thought about the evil
and associate that with you
there is so much material
so many lovely things
why do you plump for animals skin
with all the woe that brings
the industry is vile in fact
the lowest forms of life
are employed to trap the innocents
and to skin them with a knife
hung up alive on a rusty hook
screwed into a tree
and their skin torn off
just imagine the depth of depravity
the ugliness, the agony, those poor
souls do endure
they have done no one any wrong
their little hearts were pure
and tortured in this manner
so a few can make a lot
and then get you the stars so called
to wear it, it is not
you that I am worried about
its the dearest souls that die
and what paradigms you work with
because when I think
I just cry
yes a man is crying
what sort of arse is he
he knows the pain,and their suffering
and he cares, earnestly.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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