Dolphins taken from the sea
and loaded in a truck
and shipped off to Nagoya
they just swam out of luck
sensitive and intelligent
that’s the dolphins by the way
the fishermen of Taiji
for me one day they will pay
these dolphins they are loaded
with mercury, and to try
and sell them to the people
as whales meat and deny
the risks associated
with dolphins in the sea
is murdering the innocent
and poisoning you and me
well of course I am vegan
there’s no way I can be
poisoned that is true of course
but others tragically
may very well believe the claims
that Dolphin meat is whale
and be given or choose to eat it
another tragic tale
For God’s sweet innocent creature’s
who face the wrath of man
who sell their souls for a few yen
of them I am no fan
its blood money and no bank
should ever handle that
except of course the gangsters
who will not even bat
an eyelid as the dolphins
are sold into the place
after hours of torture
butchered, yes disgrace
its all about the money
the margins and the rest
to be a dolphin in Taiji
is HELL I do attest
and we can send our guardians
and we can make a fuss
and we can chase the fishermen
and they of course chase us
their psyche has been shot away
they have no cause to see
how low they are in everybody’s eyes
now, and as for me
I, my heart is with the dolphins
so sensitive their belief
and trusting us as they well do
of course they come to grief
at the hands of nasty people
vile creatures we call men
I wouldn’t look twice at them
and only God knows when
they will pay for this!
Hi Rex, this is a great poem. Pekka
Just written it thanks Pekka
Is still your E-Mail address? I sent you an E-Mail today but I’m not sure whether you got it.
how much is it pekka I can’t remember now I definately sent it straight away you asked last time
How much do I owe you for the cheque which you lost Pekka and also could you take over the running of another wordpress belonging to a lady friend of mine I would pay you just tell me what it would cost.
thats how far it is but she wants to start to include animals rights, healing data and prices of her products and instal a paypal and orders so let me know but this is nothing to do with anybody else just strictly betweee you and me please
we can write on my e mail for confirmation