We always knew
we always feared
Fallujah, those sweet
souls, endeared
a love in me
for what did they do?
but live their lives
like me or you
children caught up
in a war
they had done nothing
so really what for
what was the reason
why was it they
were singled out
and experimented on in
that way?
infant mortality
an all time high
depleted uranium
knowing, I cry
my eyes out
for any soul living
who knows
would seek to inform
with some delicate prose
cancer is rife
like a knife it cuts through
the butter of life
and the godliness too
our infamous acts
of invasion and war
consigned a brave people
to death and whats more
even the unborn
now witness the pain
leukaemia strikes
again and again
they scramble for life
the want of us all
came the vilest bombardment
as they kneeled at the stall
birth defects are at
a true all time high
monsters are born
and many now die
the monsters who used
such vile weaponry here
went home, some of them
to live with their fear
so many won’t say
how all this was caused
tongue in cheek, sorry switch off
yes they may have paused
at the sight of the damage
white phosphorus too
terrible weapons
rained down a few
alive who witnessed the gore
denial is rife
in theatres of war
our creation is mystified
for what we did
it was immense
we lifted a lid
off a terrible weapon
with awesome effect
a power that did shower
but was always suspect
I shudder inside of me
for as they paused
to reload they realised
what they had caused
They have those memories
karma will see
that they pay the price
an humanity
will suffer the consequence
and the ongoing pain
for the tears and blood
now fall with the rain
and this is forever
no let up, the fear
of what we did there
will always be here
excuses, don’t matter
denials, who cares
the fact that it happened
cancels out prayers