Revenge TV ‘s story about violent huntsman

Revenge TV what is it?
And Dominic Little, who
Visits some fields in Essex
To see now what they do
On rolling hills and pasture
where blossoms do abound
and no doubt the cries of wild birds
Excite senses around
behold the hounds are romping
the hunt is under way
the crimson clad are
on their horses
galloping away
chasing a wild creature, a fox
a wily soul
who has to try and dodge the crowd
and get back to his hole

where his vixen and his cubs are
they depend on him for food
these toffs in red
they lose their head
when the SABS try to intrude
Enter the brave saboteurs
on foot and likely too
use citronella and hunting horns
to do what the huntsman do
their callous vile behaviour
is caught on camera now
the police might not have believed them
but the hunters cause the row
one side wants to kill the fox
the other side to save
one side gets all shitty
sallied by the wave
of protesters filming all they do
for evidence in court
which gets up the nose
of the well bred toff’s
and proves this is not the sport
of kings, but bloody ruffians
pumped up haughty gits
vandals without handles
who sink into the pits
they get so stressed because
the fox
actually gets away
A huntsman comes to do a block
and its then that the poor SAB’s pay
Quad bikes try to ram them
and an oaf outside the law
the angels the protesters
get beaten and what for
They’re risking life and limb
in fact
for the hunters appear to be
really nasty bits of work
as now we all can see

Being ripped apart by hungry hounds
and watched by the red cloaked few
This is a wild creature
with a heart and soul, a view
the hunters do not share it seems
its vermin to be sure
and tearing it apart
is all it could expect
the law
is clear you cannot do this
the fox has got the right
to wander where he pleases
He’s not part of the fight
but the hunts don’t go along with this
and they feel the SAB’s are wrong
attacking them and striking them
and swearing all along
running them down with quad bikes
paid goons on the trail
tis good the SABs have cameras
for the cameras tell the tale

Several of the hunting men
had their day in court
and were fined and left
in anger
such hateful souls
I thought
maybe they went to Eton
and had money in the bank
but clearly they are ignorant
and well below their rank

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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