Artificial Sweeteners Vegans avoid at all cost

I never have been one,
for artificial anything
and sweeteners to my mind,
just made no sense
That was until the manufacturers
destroyed the real raw cane
And turned it into something
white and dense

Sugar Cane was natural,
sweet and tasty
Refining took out
the goodness that it had
A commodity was born
to make fat profits
and then it got a name, for being bad

It played into the hands of those big corporates
Nothing they do is pointless, as we see
Yes, they modified a natural sweetener
But opened up the market actually
As sugar was avoided in the process
Creating a big hole for something new
That introduced a cocktail of nice chemicals
And Monsanto was behind it just for you.

Anything to get it on the market
Its massive power and the people that it knew
The FDA they kind of just accepted it
And like a rocket ship the product flew
It had its doubters and drew negativity
But Monsanto’s muscle
launched it like a dream
Most of the Corporations bought into it
And it became a lovely profit stream

I wouldn’t touch it with the proverbial broomstick
To me it has more bad marks than has good
Whats wrong with Rapadura if you want to sweeten up a dish, environmentally I know I should
But the Corporates wouldn’t think to cover ethics
or environments, or the bigger picture here
All they see is dollar bills filling up electronic tills
That is what gives their shareholders thrills.

Alongside this was HFCS invented in Japan
High fructose corn syrup another sweetheart plan
Great for world obesity and labels just could say
Corn Syrup, so no sugar and the ignorant did stray
They bought the bars, and kiddies foods
Believing them to be, less sweet no sugar added, thats what some mothers said to me
Of course this was a error refined corn syrup was
Worse than raw cane sugar
But took off just because

Marketing was top knotch
and worthy of applause.
And now another product
creeps quietly to the floor
Neotame sounds the same
and most seem to ignore
Monsanto’s latest artificial
sweetener, take a bow
They’ve got it through the FDA
Though no one quite knows how
7000 to 13,000 times sweeter
than sucrose
and already in a 1000 products
worldwide that just shows
How aggressive marketing
And Corporate clout can make
The difference but I shiver
and I have to say I shake
Its E number is 961
That number will appear
On the label and that is all
so folks its very clear
These artificial sweeteners
are best left in the store
They are really neurotoxins
They create a mini war
Inside our brains so do take care
Try to avoid this stuff
Don’t be drawn to processed foods
Tell yourself you’ve had enough

And the cans of carbonated drinks
So acidic, like hell
Give them a miss for goodness sake
And avoid those shops that sell
All this corporate rubbish
Dosed up with chemicals that
Are not there to improve your health
And they will make you fat
They will make you feel depressed
Medication is in the food
Its being fed to the animals
And essentially its crude
Grow your own and make your own
Cookies, cakes and bread
Make lemonade, Make a batch of ale
Dad can do it in the shed
One day, you will thank me
With Home made food you know
Exactly what goes into it
and why you love it so

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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