Leaving Australia

The day had come
to leave, and Cristina
decided she
would bring the little children
and Victoria
and we

drove off to the airport
but in the way of things
got lost, the cost of missing
my flight and all that brings
I didn’t want to leave
my heart was set on staying there
But Cristina, stayed with me
I was not sure that was fair

For her, but we had lunch together
DIMSUM yes upstairs
moments in time to cherish
those poignant times
one shares
I wished that I could stay on
but I knew I had to go
my bags were packed
that was a fact
As an old man well
I know

But the child in me
was dispirited
my sadness overflowed
My darling friend had been so kind
I knew how much I owed
to her for all the
time she spent, making
me feel great
Her love was really special
but it was getting late

I had to go
to board the flight
inside my heart was torn
soft tears rolled
how ever old
one is
I felt that dawn
had come
we hugged and she was gone
and I was lost again
and as it happened in KL
the whole trip felt insane

things didn’t really go to plan
and I was left to feel
if only Cristina was with me now
But of course I knew life’s real
the dreams had turned to nightmares
my taxi didn’t come
and in that violent tropical storm
I did I just felt numb

Lost, infact decidedly
it had been so good to be
in the warm hands
of my darling friend
who looked after me
But I didn’t need to panic
An angel showed his face
BAX a boy from Kuala Lumpur
helped me to touch base

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Leaving Australia

  1. lone wolf says:

    So touching… my dear bro

    • Rex Tyler says:

      it was a sad time, it always is when time passes so quickly, it always does when we enjoy what we are doing

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