There can never be an argument for the use of Depleted Uranium

The galling business and the realization
Of getting back from a war zone fought abroad
In some hell hole in some small town out yonder
To find one’s health is ailing that reward
For being caught up in what was the mayhem
Emotionally now shot away and sad
Sleep interrupted, by nightmarish flashbacks
For let it be clear somethings there were bad

What really grips my soul right at this moment
Was the use made of Du Weaponry, for we
Were slam bang in the middle of some fire fights
And clearly it had an affect on me
Radiation, particulates it was a sad affair
Clawing at my sense of purpose
As every one does care
Gulf War Syndrome call it what you will
it matters not
And for anyone to say there was no problem
thanks a lot

Soldiers who know otherwise,who saw, who heard, who felt
The weight of war upon them as in the dark they knelt
To share what affirmations, what prayers they felt inside
For returning relatively unscathed it must not be denied
We are hurting,we are human, afterall we suffer pain
We are awash at night with tears
was it all invain?
There were no weapons of mass destruction
the war was infact was  wrong
Depleted Uranium piercing shells
just did not belong

in that closed scenario and some nights when I am alone
I accept I was a guinea pig and I do hear myself groan
The parameters of conflict were widened appreciably
And I must ponder on this thought into infinity
Its a dialogue that I have with myself
most everyday
And I’m adament this sensation will never go away.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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One Response to There can never be an argument for the use of Depleted Uranium

  1. There may be a bundle to know about this. You made good points also.

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