In Iran I have a brother
The kindest soul on Earth
A warm and vibrant friend is he
Who really shows his worth
He shares my laughter and my tears
And is always there for me
The purest heart in all the world
Lone Wolf out there he be
In forests with his birding friends
His telescopic lens
He captures rare and wondrous sights
and shares them with his friends
In Iran I have a brother
A thoughtful caring loving soul
The sun, on wintery days
The fresh green shoots of Springtime
worthy of great praise
Consistant, calm, collected, creative
to a tee
Lone wolf my dearest brother
You have been so good to me
Adopted by a lone wolf
as in the forest, I
was lost, the darkness frightened me
In the litter where I lie
A thoughtful soul took on the role
Proected me from those
Ugly monsters, he was there
My brothers sweetest prose
Comforts and caresses
To know him is to be
Happy and to realise
That we are all family
Rex, you are the dearest, kindest & most precious person I’ve met ENTIRE MY LIFE, right from my heart…telling the TRUTH.
As maybe you remember we met December, last year… just about these days, & you know brother, it’s just beyond words to explain how endearing & amazing to know there is someone out there-on the other side of our beloved Earth- who is such a caring & tendering soul to call you brother.
Can’t find a word for your kindness.
You are such a precious brother for me, FOREVER .
As you know I have a way with words but its hard to find the rights words here young Lone I have 3 brothers one who is my blood brother who disappeared years ago, you and Jungle Defender and you two are my dearest friends, we are on the same journey in different parts of the world and our paths have crossed and we recognize ourselves which is a profound feeling.
Thanks Brother your srength helped me tonight.
It’s my pleasure & honor, brother. Cheers
…In Britain I have a brother
the KINDEST soul on Earth…
nice one Lone, its funny how circumstances can change but I suppose blood is thicker than water, at the end of the day
Oh I see!” Blood is thicker than water at the end of the day” !!
Of course you can suppose this way but I DON’T believe in it!
And at the end of the day thanks for revealing your opinion, at last(!) because I thought it’s completely different all this time!!!
How sad again lone that you didn’t understand what I said as brother it is blood that is thicker than water and I was saying we should regain our love for each other as brothers but you see too many negative alas that is a shame.
we must always when writing and reading try to at first snyway see the positives but sadly its easier to see things in the other dimension.
my thoughts are we are friends we have similar beliefs and are sincer about what we do for the planet and for the animals earthlings we both so love, lets leave it like this, lets comunicate but all this stuff about brotherly love is not so important,