There was a time when Farmers
Cared for animals,
Good Husbandry
and they understood their needs
Now that Science has become
the Farmer, its factories
and we all know, where that leads
Farmers are just serfs who render
guinea pigs with medicines galore
Science has took charge, so
no emotion, no engagement
Of that now we’re sure
Love and care unfortunately
thats gone by the bye
Ecology and everything besides
they do not try.
Wisdom is forgotten
basically you lose
the relationship you had
and instead, tend to abuse
And I think because of this
Farmers neglect to realise
The animals are living sentient
beings, the surprise
They have the industrial methods
Its rained down on them,and they
can’t see the sun can’t feel the rain
its concrete all the way
Sentiments have all gone out
the window
Science sets itself up as a God
When animals have to die
nobody fights shy
in reality no one cares a sod?
They’re thrown into a bloody truck
not fed, nor watered they
electric prods hurt the poor sods
and now of course they pay
The ultimate price and no one cares
They kick them and make them go
In to the abattoir of death
Alone, as well we know.