Barn no dance

Come visit my home
RED TRACTOR’s signs up
The RSPCA ago
I live here today
It stinks to high heaven
It might be in Devon
A hell hole for certain
And humans will eat

Bits of my body
Brought up in this dark place
Where I’ve been molested
And made to feel
A 4th or 5 th animal
Worthy of little
Ears punched
Udders flamed
A life that is real
Pumped full of drugs
Grass showered over me
Withering dried stuff
No time to go
And walk in the green fields
To feel the sun shining
To pick some wild herbage
Stuff that I know

Posted in A country tale | Leave a comment

Meals in hospitals

It’s a corporate fallacy
Tragically they
Are abusing the system
Micro wave cooking
Alien fit
It’s rarely vegan

Posted in A likely story, Environmental Poems, Food, Food Processing, Hospitals, Medical, Migrants | Leave a comment

I had no say in the matter

They tagged my ears
An indication
I was their victim
My time had come
What had they
A whole lot of horror
For me death was imminent
And I had no say

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Animal Rights, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Coutryside meanderings, Freedom and what's happening to it, Retards of the first order, slaughterhouses and operatives | Leave a comment

Charlie and I

Soonest we
Sit together
He on my knee
Sharing warmth
Dreaming dreams
Together we
Simply enjoy the company

Posted in A country tale, foxes | Leave a comment


An aura of grandeur
To a darkened degree
I am off to the Tor
The levels to see
Glastonbury’s sleeping
St Michael’s Tower
Is apparently lost
In the dark at this hour
No matter I still venture
Up the path to the sky
With a mug of hot water
And a piece of pie

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

Poor piglets

Pink and cuddly
What we see
Is torturing ugliness
And dreadfully
Testicular torture
Tails away
Spit and vomit
It’s the way
Vile exposure
Dreadful pain
The farmers truthfully insane

Posted in A likely story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS | Leave a comment

Hunting on MOD land

who runs the MOD
Hunting on their land
We don’t wish 2c
But the army&the government
What do they care
Honestly folks what makes them aware
They eat all animals
Some no doubt, shoot
Heartless most of them
Unprepared 2refute
Or 2care about foxes or badgers or hare
Or raptors or any soul
That happens there

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Badgers, birds and the environment, Bow hunting, Countryside wisdom, Cub hunting, Death and Dying, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, ethical pointers, Fighting back, Food Processing, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Meat trade, Minks, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Ravens and crows, Red grouse, Red Kite, shooting, Spiders, Stags, Starlings, Stink pits, Toads, Trail hunting, traps and snares, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Death the final promise

It’s called manhandling
An evil pastime
Violence personified
A deathly chyme
Created inside, of acidic fear
Torn from the fabric of life now my dear
Whatever creature whose lust is to see
The blue skies above
And breathe air constantly
Ripped off life’s pedestal
Thrown to the ground
Stabbed and destroyed
And In one’s own blood drowned

Posted in Abandonment, camela, Chickens, Child exploitation, slaughterhouses and operatives, SLAVERY | Leave a comment


Seeing the lady
Tearful with woe
Close to the sheep
Of course we all know
Slaughterhouse journeys
From farm to the camp
Death in the offing
With its familiar stamp

Of so much uncertainty
Feeling alone a tearful human
Sharing a groan
All of the sheep know the outcome they fear
The sunlight is leaving
And HELL now is near

I cry with the lady
Feeling the pain
Knowing the evil
All of the strain
The eyes they do tell us
Frustrations and woe
Slaughter is imminent
Their blood will flow

The stench of death
The farmers their friend
In it for profit
They only spend
a pittance
To add back some margin so they
Can buy yet more stock
For that is the way

Send them to slaughter
Healthy young souls
so little sunshine
They had no goals
To aim for just sadness and
Death and the fear
The end game is prevalent
That much is clear

Soon strung together
Chopped through and gone
Halal the last words
No longer upon
The living world
A last farewell
Copious tears as we enter

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Carnivores, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate Giants, Death and Dying, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Farming, Food, Food Processing, Glyphosate, Lambs and Sheep, Rants, slaughterhouses and operatives, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, The skin trade, Vegan Lifestyle, veganism and me, Wool | Leave a comment

Goaty exclamations

Listen to the sounds
Of a goat in distress
Some rotter is scraping
And doesn’t care less
All of its skin and wool
Pains me to say
Cashmere your jumpers
Why they are not okay

Because it’s bloody cruel
How they relieve the goat
Of it’s wool with a pull
Straight out of its throat
Comes the cry of a banshee
In audibly bad
Violence and misery
It’s just so sad

How ignorant people are
Wearing their pain
I just lose my mind
When I hear it again
Raucous and awful the sadness in me
On hearing the bleating
As a constancy

Posted in Abandonment, Fashion and animals, goats | Leave a comment

Charlie is my darling

Clearly Charlie is your darling
And everybody else’s too
A darling fox all safe and sound
Away from the hunting crew
No wonder he is snoozing
Dreaming of the day
When all fox hunters are hunted
By each other come what May

Posted in A country tale, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment


Fox hunting is underway
The hunts are at it
And they say
They have every right
Despite what some
Think and say
Their entitlement
Just leaves me numb

Labour basically did agree
The law was established
But still we see
Hunts happening around the place
Hunting with hounds
Is a disgrace

It’s a brutal business
Which they get away
Families torn apart
No way
Should any wild soul
Face the wrath
Of toffs dressed up
On their wild path

Thank goodness for the saboteur
They give their time
And they incur
Wrath and privilege
And they see
The liars hunting

Chasing wild souls
With their hounds
The whole hunt
Still astounds
The public seeing them
On the roads
Their hangers on
Break highway codes

A horrible feeling in our soul
Foxes chased a bitter toll
Exacted on a family who
May chase the mother and father too
The cubs will starve
It happens they
Die for nothing so to say

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, Death and Dying, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Fashion and animals, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Infanticide | Leave a comment

Leave our Deers alone. Hunter man

The slaughterers have little sense
Little brains and smaller minds
They chase and murder healthy souls
Live where they are put
Their natural roles
Played out as actors
one by one
Living under a winter sun

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Wild Deers | Leave a comment

All Zoos

There has never ever been a zoo
That’s positive above all else
Imprisoning the animals
The wildest ones just has to be
Cruel just devastating wretched

Wildness was their godly right
They feed themselves on food nearby
They don’t over eat it’s not their thing
They hydrate well so that they bring
A cleanliness inside themselves
Seasonally they know the score
Exercise they find their food
Vegetarian or carnivore

Captured animals behind bars
Fed by man astute he’s not
Often frozen sometimes dried
Mankind no he’s not he’s lied
Gawped at by the paying tribe
Advertisments are there to bribe
The ignorant people scribe
Dishonesty for sure
We see
Animals holed up horribly

Zoo’s need banning right away
Evil places yes I say
Cruel and beastly vile and wrong
Animals do not belong
In cage’s or behind the bars
Habitual walking seeing stars
Demented behaviour day on day
Noise and clutter is no way

Zoo’s constrict freedom goes
Prisoners of I’ll repose
Broken hearts and the sorest feet
The carnivores get dosed up meat
Wildness lost in fits of boredom
Aching souls sadly we see
Dementia drawn out of sick eyes
That the paying public don’t realise.

Posted in Zoo's | Leave a comment

Keith Behan

How inciteful and encouraging
For tHe predicament that I
Find myself now enthusing over
Asking myself why
Coming to you to energise
My spirit so to say
Calling on your mediumship
To Encourage me today

Working on my feelings
Inducing me to feel
Things will soon get better
That you did reveal
The 1890 house
Is in the Gothic style
Big domed windows
Taking in the mountain
All the while

I gaze across under the clouds
To challenge and provoke
A spiritual enlightenment
Your parable’s awoke
The sense of utter gloriousness
Behold a wondrous sky
To contemplate and ponder
How such beauty draws my eye

The mill is old and close to a wood
Always Providing peace
And calm and trees and shadow
Helping to release
The frustration and the anger
That builds in city folk
Your faultlessness commendable
Really how you spoke
Calmly and distinctly
And a sad old man awoke

Keith it is to Thank you
For the sensitivity
Almost a renaissance
Helping me to be
Able to tread more lightly
To understand and feel
That there is light in the offing
That your good words did reveal.


Posted in magick, People I have observed | Leave a comment

De budding the poor cows

So many lies
These farm hands tell
They enter the barn
They have made into hell
Torture the cow debud her she
Knows what is happening
We go against nature
Arrogantly robbing
Believing it’s alright
Although she’s left sobbing

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Feelings | Leave a comment

Chasing hares to kill them With dogs is immoral

This Hare maybe a mother
Or a father maybe so
They live out in the countryside
Created as we know
Beautiful wild creatures
Godly through and through
And for man to abuse his position in life
And kill them as some do

Is all wrong and should be against the law

Posted in A not my king story, animals used for food, Dogs, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Whales we must all make every effort to save them

In so many reasons
What we actually see
Is whales cavorting in the surf
Paul Watson has spent his whole life
Trying to save Them he
Has witnessed whales harpooned
And dying
And we have to all agree
He is an amazing man

Posted in activism, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

OAKE village and the hunting dogs

The seventh of October
What happened here
The hounds on their hunt
Well they just did appear
Colliding with cars
Chasing around a school
The children were taken inside
As a rule
It’s bad just to witness the havoc
Of hunts
Somerset clearly has seen any stunts
It’s illegal to hunt with the hounds as we know
But these hunters do it
Mixed up in the flow
How serious they can be
18 hounds in the street
Some hit by cars
It’s enough to unseat
Not only hunt but let the dogs run
Through the village
Imagining it’s so much fun

Losing control of dogs isn’t right
It just shows how hopeless they are

Posted in Abandonment, Dogs, Fox Hunting, foxes, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Horses suffer from the pain
Of being injected again and again
Kept in dirty sheds they be
And oumped of blood
And painfully
Numbered, one such 498
And elderly horse rather sedate
its blood taken every day
Weak as hell
How much they pay
For being old
For being weak
In India this shit they seek
Bleeding weakening suffering souls
Anti toxins for the trolls

Animals experimentation, we
Know it goes on consistently
These back room stables
Where flies do swarm
The debilitated
Face every storm
Every proceedure
Every hour
And all around them
A great shower
of flies
Poor horses they
Eventually die

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Blood, Horses, India | Leave a comment

The victim

A bull is a noble creature
A thoroughbred hereditary soul
A chivalrous beast
Mighty and strong
High-souled kingly
And he does belong
To an order of greatness
He comes to the ring
Tortured and hurting
An Oppressed underling

Strutting with proudness
A swagger and strut
It’s open and shut
He has so much valour
And boldness beyond
A true resoluteness
And of course a bond

Impropriety cometh
The philistine tribes
With their hideous offensive
The odious scribes
Agitation and ferment
The bull is distraught
Tortured and angered
By the Spine chilling sport

Perplexed and suffering
Such purgatory
A bed of thorns
An ordeal certainly
Infliction and trauma
Wretchedness woe
Prostration and despair
With no where to go

Harrowed and bleeding
Angst-ridden and dying
Crushed and fatigued
In the sand lying
Injured and bloody
The matador steals
An ear holds it up
Blood and snot it reveals

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Infanticide among chickens

Carnage just everywhere
Chicks yes born male
In the egg station
A death sentence fail
They cannot lay eggs
So of course they must die
Hacked off and crushed
Now you know why
Cute chirping fluffiest
It is no lie 🐣🐥🐤

Posted in Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, babies, Chickens, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Eggs | Leave a comment

The cat shows us her love

A cat showing respect and loving
No gentler creature there be
Proving her heart and her wisdom
Has everything going for she
Proves to us really how gentle
Loving and being so sweet
The look on her face is so special
And look what she does with her feet

Posted in cats, Love and respect, Loyalty | Leave a comment

Hunting our foxes is totally evil

Foxes should never be hunted
Sweet natural families they be
They belong to the earth
Where they have great worth
And together they need to be free
Toffs with a distinct voice of hatred
Training sweet dogs to be bad
Chasing and torturing wildness
Hunting and killing is sad

Posted in A country tale, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Run Rabbit Run Rabbits whose splitting Hares

They say they were after Rabbits
When truthfully it was Hare
Lying to save their bacon
Utterly unaware
Hare a grand misnomer
Clearly it wasn’t the case
Blaming it all on the Rabbits
Leaves them with blood on their face

Posted in A likely story, HARES And red grouse, Rabbits, The skin trade | Leave a comment

Leather and indian cows

A picture of morose ness
Of pitiful refrain
They marched her out of India
And into the insane
Shackled her and pinned her down
Her skin was their desire
Leather for your sofa’s
And For your bloody boots
Of fire.

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Art work and the animals, Beauty industry, Calves and Cows and Bulls, cow hides, Criminality, Dairy farmers criminals, Death and Dying, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Farming, Fashion and animals, Halal, Humanity is a shithouse, India, India and the visionary, LEATHER, Leather sports goods, Meat trade, Nut jobs | Leave a comment

Fighting off the trophy hunters

The stars are coming out
To back the trophy hunting call
Vile proponents using weaponry
To murder as a rule
Bows and rifles aimed at baits
It’s parts of corpses that they require
For their trophy walls alas
Memorabilia oh so dire

Posted in A country tale, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Up there at night
The colours so bright
At that great height
It just all felt right
Closer to the sky
Alone I knew why
Part of it all
The cosmos on call
A heart beating gait
I enjoyed my date
With history

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment


We should all be equal
In the eyes of the law
But it just doesn’t happen
And I know what for
They were the first people
In all lands and they
Were there first
The guardians
And every day

They took on the planet
The countryside too
They learned what to eat
How to live
What to do
Settlements came
And violence came too
Aboriginies died
They were attacked
All that’s true

We see it in England now
Immigrants coming
On small boats from
it is mind numbing
They get the treatment
Put up in hotels
Everything’s paid for
They left their hells
And came, mostly men
At the end of the day
The existing people lose out

Racism rises no integration
They live their own lives
There is no salvation
The Aboriginies born here
And they
True to their faith and themselves
Each day

Now what we see the natives
Are sent
To towns far away
Seemingly meant
They live on the knowledge
In the outback they stay
Closer to the earth
Scarred more so each day

They had their dignity
They did their thing
The new arrivals what they did bring
Was their own culture
The Aboriginie
sunk into the earth
Believed to be free

Posted in Australia and the epic journeys, Indigenous People | Leave a comment


Autumnal colours everywhere
A frosty kind of cold
My breath provides a symphony
As upwards I take hold
Others share the morning
And A pre breakfast smile
St Michael’s Tower
It’s lonely self
With us for a while

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment