Leave our Deers alone. Hunter man

The slaughterers have little sense
Little brains and smaller minds
They chase and murder healthy souls
Live where they are put
Their natural roles
Played out as actors
one by one
Living under a winter sun

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, Duty of care was never there, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Wild Deers | Leave a comment

All Zoos

There has never ever been a zoo
That’s positive above all else
Imprisoning the animals
The wildest ones just has to be
Cruel just devastating wretched

Wildness was their godly right
They feed themselves on food nearby
They don’t over eat it’s not their thing
They hydrate well so that they bring
A cleanliness inside themselves
Seasonally they know the score
Exercise they find their food
Vegetarian or carnivore

Captured animals behind bars
Fed by man astute he’s not
Often frozen sometimes dried
Mankind no he’s not he’s lied
Gawped at by the paying tribe
Advertisments are there to bribe
The ignorant people scribe
Dishonesty for sure
We see
Animals holed up horribly

Zoo’s need banning right away
Evil places yes I say
Cruel and beastly vile and wrong
Animals do not belong
In cage’s or behind the bars
Habitual walking seeing stars
Demented behaviour day on day
Noise and clutter is no way

Zoo’s constrict freedom goes
Prisoners of I’ll repose
Broken hearts and the sorest feet
The carnivores get dosed up meat
Wildness lost in fits of boredom
Aching souls sadly we see
Dementia drawn out of sick eyes
That the paying public don’t realise.

Posted in Zoo's | Leave a comment

Keith Behan

How inciteful and encouraging
For tHe predicament that I
Find myself now enthusing over
Asking myself why
Coming to you to energise
My spirit so to say
Calling on your mediumship
To Encourage me today

Working on my feelings
Inducing me to feel
Things will soon get better
That you did reveal
The 1890 house
Is in the Gothic style
Big domed windows
Taking in the mountain
All the while

I gaze across under the clouds
To challenge and provoke
A spiritual enlightenment
Your parable’s awoke
The sense of utter gloriousness
Behold a wondrous sky
To contemplate and ponder
How such beauty draws my eye

The mill is old and close to a wood
Always Providing peace
And calm and trees and shadow
Helping to release
The frustration and the anger
That builds in city folk
Your faultlessness commendable
Really how you spoke
Calmly and distinctly
And a sad old man awoke

Keith it is to Thank you
For the sensitivity
Almost a renaissance
Helping me to be
Able to tread more lightly
To understand and feel
That there is light in the offing
That your good words did reveal.


Posted in magick, People I have observed | Leave a comment

De budding the poor cows

So many lies
These farm hands tell
They enter the barn
They have made into hell
Torture the cow debud her she
Knows what is happening
We go against nature
Arrogantly robbing
Believing it’s alright
Although she’s left sobbing

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Feelings | Leave a comment

Chasing hares to kill them With dogs is immoral

This Hare maybe a mother
Or a father maybe so
They live out in the countryside
Created as we know
Beautiful wild creatures
Godly through and through
And for man to abuse his position in life
And kill them as some do

Is all wrong and should be against the law

Posted in A not my king story, animals used for food, Dogs, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Whales we must all make every effort to save them

In so many reasons
What we actually see
Is whales cavorting in the surf
Paul Watson has spent his whole life
Trying to save Them he
Has witnessed whales harpooned
And dying
And we have to all agree
He is an amazing man

Posted in activism, Whale processers, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

OAKE village and the hunting dogs

The seventh of October
What happened here
The hounds on their hunt
Well they just did appear
Colliding with cars
Chasing around a school
The children were taken inside
As a rule
It’s bad just to witness the havoc
Of hunts
Somerset clearly has seen any stunts
It’s illegal to hunt with the hounds as we know
But these hunters do it
Mixed up in the flow
How serious they can be
18 hounds in the street
Some hit by cars
It’s enough to unseat
Not only hunt but let the dogs run
Through the village
Imagining it’s so much fun

Losing control of dogs isn’t right
It just shows how hopeless they are

Posted in Abandonment, Dogs, Fox Hunting, foxes, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Horses suffer from the pain
Of being injected again and again
Kept in dirty sheds they be
And oumped of blood
And painfully
Numbered, one such 498
And elderly horse rather sedate
its blood taken every day
Weak as hell
How much they pay
For being old
For being weak
In India this shit they seek
Bleeding weakening suffering souls
Anti toxins for the trolls

Animals experimentation, we
Know it goes on consistently
These back room stables
Where flies do swarm
The debilitated
Face every storm
Every proceedure
Every hour
And all around them
A great shower
of flies
Poor horses they
Eventually die

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Blood, Horses, India | Leave a comment

The victim

A bull is a noble creature
A thoroughbred hereditary soul
A chivalrous beast
Mighty and strong
High-souled kingly
And he does belong
To an order of greatness
He comes to the ring
Tortured and hurting
An Oppressed underling

Strutting with proudness
A swagger and strut
It’s open and shut
He has so much valour
And boldness beyond
A true resoluteness
And of course a bond

Impropriety cometh
The philistine tribes
With their hideous offensive
The odious scribes
Agitation and ferment
The bull is distraught
Tortured and angered
By the Spine chilling sport

Perplexed and suffering
Such purgatory
A bed of thorns
An ordeal certainly
Infliction and trauma
Wretchedness woe
Prostration and despair
With no where to go

Harrowed and bleeding
Angst-ridden and dying
Crushed and fatigued
In the sand lying
Injured and bloody
The matador steals
An ear holds it up
Blood and snot it reveals

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

Infanticide among chickens

Carnage just everywhere
Chicks yes born male
In the egg station
A death sentence fail
They cannot lay eggs
So of course they must die
Hacked off and crushed
Now you know why
Cute chirping fluffiest
It is no lie 🐣🐥🐤

Posted in Abandonment, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, babies, Chickens, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Eggs | Leave a comment

The cat shows us her love

A cat showing respect and loving
No gentler creature there be
Proving her heart and her wisdom
Has everything going for she
Proves to us really how gentle
Loving and being so sweet
The look on her face is so special
And look what she does with her feet

Posted in cats, Love and respect, Loyalty | Leave a comment

Hunting our foxes is totally evil

Foxes should never be hunted
Sweet natural families they be
They belong to the earth
Where they have great worth
And together they need to be free
Toffs with a distinct voice of hatred
Training sweet dogs to be bad
Chasing and torturing wildness
Hunting and killing is sad

Posted in A country tale, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Run Rabbit Run Rabbits whose splitting Hares

They say they were after Rabbits
When truthfully it was Hare
Lying to save their bacon
Utterly unaware
Hare a grand misnomer
Clearly it wasn’t the case
Blaming it all on the Rabbits
Leaves them with blood on their face

Posted in A likely story, HARES And red grouse, Rabbits, The skin trade | Leave a comment

Leather and indian cows

A picture of morose ness
Of pitiful refrain
They marched her out of India
And into the insane
Shackled her and pinned her down
Her skin was their desire
Leather for your sofa’s
And For your bloody boots
Of fire.

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Art work and the animals, Beauty industry, Calves and Cows and Bulls, cow hides, Criminality, Dairy farmers criminals, Death and Dying, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Farming, Fashion and animals, Halal, Humanity is a shithouse, India, India and the visionary, LEATHER, Leather sports goods, Meat trade, Nut jobs | Leave a comment

Fighting off the trophy hunters

The stars are coming out
To back the trophy hunting call
Vile proponents using weaponry
To murder as a rule
Bows and rifles aimed at baits
It’s parts of corpses that they require
For their trophy walls alas
Memorabilia oh so dire

Posted in A country tale, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


Up there at night
The colours so bright
At that great height
It just all felt right
Closer to the sky
Alone I knew why
Part of it all
The cosmos on call
A heart beating gait
I enjoyed my date
With history

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment


We should all be equal
In the eyes of the law
But it just doesn’t happen
And I know what for
They were the first people
In all lands and they
Were there first
The guardians
And every day

They took on the planet
The countryside too
They learned what to eat
How to live
What to do
Settlements came
And violence came too
Aboriginies died
They were attacked
All that’s true

We see it in England now
Immigrants coming
On small boats from
it is mind numbing
They get the treatment
Put up in hotels
Everything’s paid for
They left their hells
And came, mostly men
At the end of the day
The existing people lose out

Racism rises no integration
They live their own lives
There is no salvation
The Aboriginies born here
And they
True to their faith and themselves
Each day

Now what we see the natives
Are sent
To towns far away
Seemingly meant
They live on the knowledge
In the outback they stay
Closer to the earth
Scarred more so each day

They had their dignity
They did their thing
The new arrivals what they did bring
Was their own culture
The Aboriginie
sunk into the earth
Believed to be free

Posted in Australia and the epic journeys, Indigenous People | Leave a comment


Autumnal colours everywhere
A frosty kind of cold
My breath provides a symphony
As upwards I take hold
Others share the morning
And A pre breakfast smile
St Michael’s Tower
It’s lonely self
With us for a while

Posted in Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence | Leave a comment

The hunts after our foxes using the roads and lanes

The ignorance and the arrogance
Of this so called hunting clan
Do the dirty on the roads
They work without a plan
No thought no care no empathy
Selfish they awash
With chasing our beloved foxes
And killing them

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, Criminality, Duty of care was never there, Fox Hunting, foxes, Freedom and what's happening to it, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Incision and drainage of a sad cow

Imagine the agony
A sickly cow
Stands in a stable block
Wondering how
She ever will manage
In filth where stand be
An abscess as big as a football
We see
A blistery sore
As noxious as hell
Disgusting to feel
With that over ripe smell
An incision is made
By a girl with a prong
Draining the pus
Of course it is wrong

A violent incision
In the stable of dirt
Farming on this scale
Yes it must hurt
These female animals
Stuck in this place
With maggots and flies
Of course a disgrace

Her milk will be stolen
Her flesh one day too
Consumers don’t see what we see
What they do
A mother in agony
Facing the wrath
Of the farm hands ignorance
Who stands on the path
Watch the pus drip then spurt everywhere
A cheesy stench no one’s aware
When she’s killed in the slaughterhouse
Her milk will be
Processed and sweetened
And eaten

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, animal diseases, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Criminality, Meat trade, Milk and its associated problems | Leave a comment

Salisbury Plain

An elevated chalk platform
Further than my eyes
Can see in fact
How they react
Feeling the old ticker
Inside my chest today
History is everywhere
A generational way
Go back to neolithic times
When man did Labour long
Beneath the hills and rivers
Their bodies still belong

Stonehenge stands in solitude
It’s grandeur marvellously
Seven miles north of Salisbury
Not far from Amesbury
Roman earth works
The valley of Avon too
Undulating pastures
An uninteruoted view

The great Henge set in motion
Where no man liveth we
Come as messengers somewhat
The great antiquity
Emerges from the mists of time
From ridges high and low
Was it a Merlin who brought the stones
And left them here on show

Some are standing some prostrate
Some circular on plan
A careful deployment of the builders art
Cleverly hewn began
Some where else,
for nothing even similar can we
Find on Salisbury plain Dear friends
Which is a mystery

Amazing how they were arranged there
A Druids temple why
Also a kind of monument
To a series of killings high
Hengist killed 460 nobleman tis thought
And this structure was thus created
A lasting memory was

Posted in A burial, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

What huntsmen do when they don’t think they are being photographed

The scruff of the neck
Manhandled and tossed into a truck
Fox hunting with hound dogs
Again passing the Buck
After our wild foxes
Dressed up to the tee
Clown world for these imbeciles
Who torture incessantly

Posted in A not my king story, Animal sacrifice, Fox Hunting, foxes | Leave a comment

Care at a price

Winding corridors
Ability lost
Needing a wheelchair
Now there’s a cost
£2 a go
Or walk extra slow
In pain possibly
A saving for thee

Posted in Carers | Leave a comment

An end to bliss

A pair of goats
Together they
Knowing their lives
Would be thrown away
Both to die
And end to bliss
And so they both
Shared a final kiss

Posted in A not my king story, goats, Sharing death | Leave a comment

The response of commercial fishermen

A Commercial fishermen
A Robotic creep
Smothering innocent’s
It just made me weep
The Hammerhead shark
Needing to be
Thrown back immediately
Into the sea
Heartless no empathy
Total despair
For life and for every creature
Now there.

Posted in Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Commercial fishermen | Leave a comment

The need to kill

Frightened to death
An un wildly death
Wrapped in a cloth
And buried poor soul
Found breathing still
Hunters who fill
Their sickly obsession
With the need to kill
A fox it is true
What these vile hunters do

Posted in A burial, A country tale, Abandonment, Fox Hunting, foxes, Freedom and what's happening to it, Humanity is a shithouse, Lack of understanding | Leave a comment

Hare coursing

A magical Hare
Getting rarer than rare
They live on the surface
Don’t burrow anywhere
Long legged runners
Chased by cruelty
Of ignorant people
Making money
Hare coursing watching a dog
Where it sits
Is evil a hare being, just torn to bits

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, HARES And red grouse | Leave a comment

The lament of the Pangolins

Gifted and godly
This exquisite soul
Admirably honest
In such control
Seen by the Chinese
As a curative for
traditional medicine
Though I am very sure
Pangolins beauty is easy to see
And China’s wrong footed

Posted in Abandonment, Pangolin trade in exotic species, TCM | Leave a comment

The Toffs

Vermin that’s the word they use
For our four legged friend
A wild soul who is in control
It sends folk around the bend
For me they are gorgeous animals
Wily and on form
Beautiful little creatures
Who create their own shit storm

Breeding, loving families
Vermin they are not
Hunters call them all sorts
But to me those folk talk rot
So called toffs they look down
On the likes of, us
A truly animal lover
And observer yes no fuss

Chasing them around the countryside
Sometimes on MOD land
And upon the National Trust
I just don’t understand
The nation and the coppers
Who let them break the law
Torturing their hound dogs
And starting an open war

Against the brilliant foxes
Crimson tails and I
Love them and their little ones
None of them should die
Being chased and ravaged
By a load of wearisome hounds
Toffs with leather breeches
Yes doing the rounds

Talking up the skylarks
The rabbits and the rest
Foxes have their place in life
They fill me with true zest
They were put in wooded zones
Their parentage is keen
Having to contend with hunts
The vile and the obscene

A law was passed. Via Labour
I think it came from Blair
Hunting with dogs is against the law
How can it be fair
Yet hunts all around the country
Under the shadows they are
Torturing and hurting
Our foxes yes they scar
They tear to bits the dog
Who runs
Sometimes the vixen too
Leaving the cubs to starve
Under the earth
It’s what they do

Sad heads evil brutish scum
Sorry folks but I
Hate the fact that they get away
With trail hunting and foxes die
Dressed up toffs their whip hand
Their expletives by the score
Being unkind to the saboteurs
Who they openly ignore.

Posted in A country tale, A not my king story, activism, Animal sacrifice, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment


We are ignorant buggers
Us humans
Imagining chicken don’t think
They eat food that helps them
They peck in the wild
pecking in prison
All after a child

They lay eggs like crazy
It’s takes lots of strain
It’s their way of bringing
More family again
Extending the life force
Fighting the I’ll
Wanting some babies
Despite the chill

And what do we do
We collect all their eggs
Cart them away
Really it begs
The oracle actually
For what we do
Is sell them
We eat them
You know that is true

More and more dying
Every day
We eat like the clappers
The eggs that they lay
Omelettes and hard boiled and poached
Every style
Popped into our cakes
And chewed for a while

Eggs are their future
And what do we do
We crack them and scoff them
You folks it’s trueThe hens working overtime
Stressing them out
And we eat more and more
And we leave them in doubt.

Posted in A country tale, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Eggs | Leave a comment