Neil a true warrior

To have the courage
Of ones convictions
Can be hard to do
One soul 13 years ago
One of the few
VEgans who was on the case
Of caring for animals, he
Despite his Spina Bifida
He was fearless actually

In the latter years
A hospital bed
But he campaigned all the way
Despite his pain and difficulties
He was at it every day
His enterprise and tenacity
His audacious bravery
He put other vegans
In the dark Campaigning earnestly

He was 49 when he passed
A young man still it’s true
But he packed in all those years he had
A lot of fight his view
Was write and write and telephone
And campaign where he could
Sign petitions go on front lines
Every time he could

It takes a heap of courage
When pain is everyday
Using public transport
Isn’t the best way
It’s hard and it’s uncomfortable
And yes, it’s pricey too
So again Neil was a champion
He just knew what to do

What was special about Neil Lea
Was he felt their despairing they
They were going through
And was up to it
Fighting night and day
13 years ago
Not much of internet stuff he
Did Whatever he could to help
An aspirant you see

Imaginative and propitious
His hopes were always high
He knew whatever he did for animals
Was good and he Would try
To always fill in petitions
No matter how tired he was
He kept his sense of humour
Really that was because

It helped to get him through things
Their wailing he would hear
He really felt their agony
For him it all was clear
He was buoyant and was spirited
Which helped the cause for he
Will always be remembered
By those who knew he Would be

With the angels carrying on
The good fight till today
He was one of those blokes
You knew
Would really make our day
Sadly he was taken
And it has been 13 years
We remember him with joy
And love, and of course some
Gentle Tears


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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