Speedwell,Veronica,Gypsy Weed, Birds Eye.

From the labyrinth
at The Rollright Stones
the Cotswold ‘s  Order  who
planted it beside the circle
its what druids do
from  it’s
very being
there has risen
the wild plant known 
as Speedwell or Veronica
We be
 able to enjoy its
and it’s flowers
blooms from Spring to Autumn
where the bard may sit for hours
examining   it’s subtle hues
loves  full sun
And loves the rain
its exposure on the hill
clearly brought by
a spell or two
 “birds eye”  a name to chill
”it is said  that  anyone picking it
may have their eyes picked out”
an old wives tale from long ago
when old wives were about
a perennial with as many types
from ground hugging upwards to
1 to 3 feet tall so we hear
it suffers  from mildew
but is classed as an edible
a medicinal brew
for sore throats
anything respiratory
it can really do
miracles  in that regard 
the tannins make it  they
see skin washes and blemishes.that
are taken away
it tastes  a bit like watercress
more bitter I must say
a tiny bitter yard  weed
it possibly may
be the Persian Speedwell
or the creeping speedwell  they
like unpredictable environments
where magick is at play
the tiny flowers are delicate
with a beauty of their own
the name “Veronica”
is legendary
apparently it’s known
to be the  the lass who wiped the face
Of Jesus and that cloth
she used
exhibited marks
shown on this flower
which does leave me bemused
butterflies adore it
the gnarled  skipper loves it too
larvae of many of the Lepidoptera family do
the Emperor Charles of  Spain
is said to have sworn by it
for he
cured his gout 
by drinking the blossoms
dried  in tea
to find this ancient herbal
growing by the stones
on the labyrinth’s footprint
Really it’s the bones of 
a lot of our commitment
enticing  this old soul
to shine its light upon us all
and mark out the role
we played  in fact  together
our energies  they do
create a  wondrous aura
I feel,  that is true
our wonderful  Arch  Druid
her name is Veronica , she
by her very  presence
She alchemically  
With  spirit and With true regard
for all of us to view
our rituals  at the wayside
Long Compton down below
the waving  of the grasses
for tired  travellers  you know
Who share the  neolithic 
the great ancestral  tales
its name  “the true image”
God’s  simplicity   Never fails  
to inspire
 In Ireland  they  be calling it
”wish me well” you see
its often sewn on travellers clothes
to protect them for it be 
just one of those lucky plants
and people there they do
Say its the plant worlds  Saint Christopher
and apparently it’s true.
hold that thought all of you 
ruled by VENUS .
Deities DANU, ANU,



About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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