Non invasive species on the menu

Consumption of wild animals
Does appear to be
The order of the day
In Certain quarters
Where we see
High powered very important people
Fronting corporations
At annual dinners
Being served
In what’s called celebrations

Of taking the pressure off of
animals threatened by
Invasive species And we heard
JEFF BEZOS out of Amazon
Seemingly was high
On Iguana and a Tarantula
and Cockroaches as well
Seemingly a tasty dish
Which the Explorers Club
Did sell

For me it’s still poor thinking
Misinterpreting the way
Switching to the reptiles
What really does that say
It shocks no doubt the Daily Mail
And others of the press
But as for eating animals
For me still it does stress

Animals become victims
Not the furry kind
Not the standard cow or sheep
Something to blow the mind
What to me is unenlightenment
And a backwardness to boot
Each animal that is eaten
Is a life and thus the root
Of any such predicament
Would be surely better by
Selecting plant based food stuffs
Where no living soul need die

Shock value it appears to me
A backwardness of thought
It certainly feels uncivilised
and uninformed and caught
Up in exploration rather than
Trying to
Be sagelike in a statesmanly way
More fitting so to do

And so we see JEFF BEZOS
With an iguana on his plate
Digging into its innards
Creating a new trait
The drama and production
A sensational revue
In pursuit of shock and awe
And what the rich now do

Add to the equation
The biosphere out there
Really make a difference
A pilgrimage to where
Daring and progressive
Excited by it all
The unforeseen
The startling
Perhaps now seen as cool

But for me
It’s an indulgence
It’s capriciousness and I
Feel the inconsistency
That still they have to die
Whether reptile or spider
It’s a death a finality
To a creature Born to have a life
With no necessity

To die so we can apparently
Progress in the way we eat
All life for me is sacred
And the quest for exotic meat
Is causing terrible problems
Zoonotic viruses that
May end the lives of many
Which is now where we are at

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, amphibians, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note, Extinction. Bookmark the permalink.

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