Icelands crime against humanity

Law made in the seventies
All those years ago
Broken by the whalers
Who really ought to know
Really there are no loopholes
Unlawfulness is that
Blue whales were protected
And that is where they are at

Recently a thirty footer
Was hunted and was brought
Back to iceland to be processed
The felony was caught
On camera the whale meat
Was bound for old japan
Who do catch their own blue whales
Despite a world wide ban

Japan Iceland and Norway
Are pariahs and they ought
To be reported to all tourists
That their insolence has caught
Up with them the people
Want protection for the whales
They pay to go and see them
So murdering them fails

On all counts thats for certain
Endangered as they are
There is no legitimacy
To harpoon and to scar
What is the massive miracle
Of creation everywhere
And to murder them and process them
It encourages despair

They are now riddled with plastics
With mercury galore
With PCB’s and fire retardents
And a whole lot more
In reality they are toxic waste
In the body of the whale
Suffering like crazy
From their great heads to their tail

Japan Norway and Iceland
Are not starving anymore
Living in a time warp
Nor in the throes of war
Abandoning all decency
Being self- indulgent they
Should spare these beautiful creatures
pet foods are not the way

The world should be abstaining
A lot more self control
Besides the world has stopped all this
Its not good for the soul
The food is never spiritual
Its causative of pain
Repent just show compunction
For so many the disdain

Zen the way of being
The philosophy of mind
Deliberative and reflective
Lets try to unwind
Enlightenment requires deep thought
The visionaries of old
Contemplating greater things
Than really what you have sold

The chopped up processed bodies
The blubber and the meat
The life force all those miracles
That were wholly complete
Eco ethic a resource giving back so much
An integral part of the biosphere
That recognises touch
Wasting them on shipments
To Japan what do they do
The japanese are sick and tired
Of whale meat very few
Eat it they too show respect
To the Wider world
and the whale killing pariahs
Now they should be hurled

Onto the world stage
So that every tourist deciding to go
To one those countries is made aware
Of their murdering cruelty

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whales and Sea Shepherd. Bookmark the permalink.

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