Wild Foods are good for vegans

Wild Foods are exciting
for the vegan
that’s if you have a garden
then you should
take advantage
and reduce your shopping bill
and realise that wild foods can be good
their growing in the season they
were mean’t to
you haven’t got a
transportation cost
what’s growing will be
suited to your very
own vibrations
so its worth the effort
otherwise their lost
they increase your mineral
balance, that’s for certain
With Stinging Nettles
before, Midsummers day
cooked they taste
as good as any Spinach
and they don’t possess the oxylates
which may
prevent our bodies
taking up the minerals
which for vegans
really that is not the way.
There’s much more
vital life force
in wild vegetables
they compete
by themselves and really they
don’t get on with
artificial fertiliser
No! good organic
humus is the way
Dandelion, Fat Hen
Chickweed and Nettles
Good King Henry
Shepherd’s Purse
all play
and can supplement
what you may get from the market
but this time
do remember what you do
wash them
for insects can adhere
to them
and check out foraging sites
which could help you.
Wild fruit in the
countryside is useful
Plums and Damsons
Strawberries and sloes
Blackberries sometimes
known as Brambles
are packed with vitamins
and it soon shows
your arteries will
love the juice
so forage
wash and juice
and drink some
for you may
realise the sweetness
and the freshness
and in season
they will really
make your day.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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