More monkey business (China to Toronto/Montreal)

How little those
with eyes can see
With hearts can feel
With mouths can speak
Primates taken
from their families
Shipped by airlines
that are weak

Who care for nothing
No respect at all
For living souls
Trapped in the green forests
and caged in rotten traps
Authorised by saps
Whose only thought is money
Slaves to the corporate few

Prepared to give away their soul
For a pot of mountain dew
From China through to Toronto
Hainan Airlines flies
With its cargo of sweet innocence
Be sure each one soon dies
mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers
Babies left to die
Huddled on some tree somewhere
Looking at the sky

From Toronto to Montreal
To some dark laboratory where
White coated morons
take them and feed them
pure despair
But do the primates despise

will they bite them?
not at all
They will allow these low life
technicians to take
them to the wall

To cage them in a dirty state
and feed them badly, and
forget to give them water
Who can understand
The mentality of Medicine
For its in that name they be
Experimented on and tortured
very painfully

China, Mauritius
and many other countries
are prepared
For what amounts to a measly sum
To rape their forests, scared
children of the forest, run this
way and run that
And are trapped by ugly human earthlings
who don’t know where they’re at

Who work in these dire places
Who give up their human right
And allow themselves to be brainwashed
By the corporates of the night
The medics who talk science
their butchers who trade in fear
Thats the currency of those
Whose voices, I can hear

Working in the basements
With their white rat faces, they
Do what they are told
Oh! they are bold
Killing machines some say
But pay back time is coming
The Universe now knows
The evil perpetrated
Bu these faceless nasty joes

AIDS and similar diseases
Will afflict us all and, we
Will perish in our man made cages
Pissing blood for free
Experiments with primates will cause disease
in man
You just don’t trap and torture
Just because you can

Creation didn’t give you this
for you to kill and maim
To waste such a great miracle
Their souls to just inflame
How vile are men
who feel the need to punish
and destroy
Creatures that have never harmed
Creatures that bring joy

And so respect each other
And given half the chance
Would turn away from harming them
They would take that stance
And History has shown us, with the
Polio Vaccines
Mincing up their kidneys,their
testicles and their spleens

Using them as substrate
Proved the sickness, we
For hundreds died
And the medics lied
And it didn’t have to be
But we didn’t learn now did, we
Young girls were killed outright
We were saving money
Come join in the fight

So we carry on regardless
Repeating the same mistakes
And God we have made many
Many many takes
Many many innocent
have been tortured
and have died
and many many humans too
are lying by their side

But the corporate
Science people
Keep the carousel
We are winning
like as Hell

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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