Category Archives: The muse

The snow moon’s influence

Thoughtless vile individuals Out to kill for the sake of killing Clearly immobile in the presence of the angels Where there is engagement They are unwilling They pull back their bow And feel the flow Of energy stilling the life … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Angels, Animal Rights, Carers, Compassion, Criminality, Death and Dying, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Feelings, Love and respect, Love poems, Loyalty, Moon, Moons, Secrets within us, Sharing death, shooting, Sisterly love against all the odds, Snow, Soul sister, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The fae, The muse, The Sabbats and the old craft, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever, Torture, traps and snares, Unrequited Love, Venerable and respected, Where friends live, Wildness is our friend, Winter, womens issues, Writing and word smithery | Leave a comment

What of the muse

I hadn’t heard of the programme But I the beloved Muse Rhyming it’s the timing Words now how to choose Just 140 letters Minds eyes work continuously Doing the work of tweets Dear friend And doing it honestly and beautifully

Posted in A country tale, The muse | Leave a comment