Category Archives: Pheasant shooting

Bird shoots. Vile inhumane targets

I am sure yr pheasant look alike Who probably came from France Imported every season It’s no song&no dance Sadly these beautiful Pheasants Have lost their creative verve Many r killed on the country roads Where Drivers fail 2swerve As … Continue reading

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The Birds

Who truly confirms their amusement Is shooting Birds out of the sky With lead shot, heartless who Have nothing better to do With their leisure Than create a mayhem Their clueless, its true Relying on flying And dying A bardic … Continue reading

Posted in A burial, A country tale, Abandonment, birds and the environment, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting, wild birds | Leave a comment

Wholesale torture and murdering of farm animals

The public who buy into dead flesh for Tea For dinner for breakfast they have to be In realisation that feeding their guts Angels are tortured and murdered Great gluts Of death and destruction Factory farming People don’t care anymore

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Carnivores, Chickens, chickens.ducks., Dairy farmers criminals, Down, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, Eating living beings, Farming, geese, Glyphosate, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, Milk and its associated problems, Pheasant shooting, Pigs, Pork, Rabbits, Red grouse, slaughterhouses and operatives, Sows and Boars, Stags, Turkeys, Turkeys and Chickens, Whale processers, wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers | Leave a comment

Be vegan

If the crab was a dog The crab eating fools Elsewhere there are dog eating Cat eating ghouls Cow rape and kidnap And slaughter and pain So many animals Dying in vain For stomachs and leather and feathers And skin … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, Alpaca’s, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Appeal, Aquaria or watery zoo, Badgers, Bears, Beauty industry, Beavers, Bedding, birds and the environment, Bison, Bonobo's, breast milk, Broiler, Buffalo, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Carnivores, cats, Chickens, chickens.ducks., CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, cow hides, Coyotes, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Cub hunting, Dogs, Dolphin drive W banging boats, Donkeys and working animals, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, Eggs, Elephants, Fish farming and itsbimplications, Fishing angling course fishing, Foie gras, forest Monkeys, Fox Hunting, foxes, frogs Legs, furs and the fur industry, Gamekeeping, geese, goats, Gorillas in the wild, HARES And red grouse, Heartfelt, Hedgehogs, honey, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Japanese food obscenity, JELLYFISH, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, LIONs and their meat, Lobsters crabs other sea creatures not specially listened, Magpie, Meat trade, Narwhals, Otorongo, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

The famous stand up against hunting as do so many others

The famous stand Which indeed is grand And a wealth of others too Those caring sharing folk Who support and wholly do Want to see all hunting banned And the hunters locked up tight Protect all wild souls everywhere For … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Badgers, Beavers, Bow hunting, cats, Countryside wisdom, Criminality, Cub hunting, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Farming, Fashion and animals, Feelings, Fox Hunting, foxes, furs and the fur industry, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), LEATHER, Local news, Love and respect, Magpie, Meat trade, Pheasant shooting, Politics, Rabbits, Rants, Ravens and crows, Red and fallow deers trophies, Red grouse, Red Kite, Red squirrels, shooting, Snails (Escargot), Snakes and reptiles, Spiders, Stags, Starlings, Trail hunting, traps and snares, wild birds, Wild boars, Wild Deers, womens issues, Wool | Leave a comment

Hunting on MOD land

Look, who runs the MOD Hunting on their land We don’t wish 2c But the army&the government What do they care Honestly folks what makes them aware They eat all animals Some no doubt, shoot Heartless most of them Unprepared … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Badgers, birds and the environment, Bow hunting, Countryside wisdom, Cub hunting, Death and Dying, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, ethical pointers, Fighting back, Food Processing, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Meat trade, Minks, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Ravens and crows, Red grouse, Red Kite, shooting, Spiders, Stags, Starlings, Stink pits, Toads, Trail hunting, traps and snares, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Pheasant Shooting

Sixty million non native pheasants And Partridges each year Into the British Countryside Alive but have little fear They strut about all cocky like Get knocked down in the street Are shot or wounded by arrogant shooters With lead shot … Continue reading

Posted in A likely story, A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, Food, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Definitely not our KING

For the king to bring his awfulness To the foxes table He Doesn’t like the squirrels either Those souls running free Cruelty to animals, the fox the badgers they Make him a bloody patron Of the RSPCA A sick world … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Ashridge, Avebury, Badgers, Beavers, birds and the environment, Countryside wisdom, Coutryside meanderings, Cub hunting, Disrespect of female animals, Dormouse dreaming, Duty of care was never there, Farming, Fashion and animals, Feelings, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hedgehogs, MOLES, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Racing, Ravens and crows, Red and fallow deers trophies, Red grouse, Red squirrels, rSPCA, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment


Death camps Set up areas To murder living souls To fulfil the dead flesh trade The dead skin trade The spill Of degenerate activity Infanticide it’s there Murdering the females And the veterans Who share The oxygen out in the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Argentina, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Australia and the epic journeys, Bison, Broiler, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Captivity, Chickens, chickens.ducks., children and their plight in a adult world, CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, Crabs, Crocodiles and serious reptilia, Death and Dying, Donkeys and working animals, DUCKS, Duty of care was never there, EELS OR FINGERLINGS, Elephants, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Farming, Foie gras, Food Processing, geese, Glyphosate, goats, HARES And red grouse, honey, Japanese food obscenity, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, live exports, Macrobiotics, Octopus, Orca's and Dolphins, OSTRICH and the Western Cape, Pheasant shooting, Piglets suckling, Pigs, Rabbits, Red grouse, Reptiles and Herpetology, SHARKS, Taiji and it’s monsters, The dkin trade, Turkeys, Turkeys and Chickens, turtles, Vegan Lifestyle, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Wild and farmed fish, wild and farmed salmon, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wool, Yang growing forces | Leave a comment

Grouse moors

I wish to say how much I hateThese grouse moor Shooting fiends Pumping lead shot everywhere Contaminating scenes Medicated grit the shit They talk the rich who bitch Burning Heather glorious Heather Just because they are rich Attracting fat arse … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, Humanity is a shithouse, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Red grouse, Red Kite, Science, Scotland | Leave a comment

Scottish highland killers

Lost souls Murdered by the creeps Shot away and left In heaps Of hearts and thoughts Criminals who Think more of shooting grouse They do Money grabbers Lead shot firers

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Humanity is a shithouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment


Cat abuse gangs They are growing It’s done to order we hear China is king of abusers The Internet watchers It’s clear Evil exists very majorly Ugliness frightful and wrong Seemingly tortured to order In a world where it shouldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, cats, CHINA food obscenity, Death and Dying, Organic Food Trade News, Pheasant shooting, pointlessness, Rants, The Sabbats and the old craft, Whales and Sea Shepherd | Leave a comment

Wild killers

The great separation Where compassion should be Where vile rabid murmurings Deafen the free Killers, the spillers Of wild blood Conjoin With their evil indifference And cancerous loin

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Badgers, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Pheasant shooting, Wild and farmed fish, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

Pheasant shooting

Those vandal pheasant shooters If you could only recreate Such a beautiful specimen But all you do is annhilate Despoilers of creation Toxic lead you fire about Destruction is your mean salvation I have little doubt Wildness and the weakness … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

The Hunts

Snobs feckless arseoles Out when the can Hunting our foxes That is their plan Hounds at the ready Wanting to chase Torturing murderers We’re on their case saboteur loyalty We chase the foe We knock them sideways Alter their flow

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Death and Dying, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Gamekeeping, HARES And red grouse, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Pheasants my darling friends

Of the twenty Two million Imported from France Half die in transit They don’t get a chance Prisoners really In Captivity No survival skills In small cages that be. Away from their mothers Imagine if you had no mother To … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Lead toxicity and the hunters

Wild birds and wild animals Shot guns everywhere The use of lead is terrible It proves that we don’t care Fired into the sky all over Where ever the bullets fall Or enter animal bodies They contaminate as a rule … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, children and their plight in a adult world, DUCKS, EAGLES and their world, Environmental Poems, Food, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, geese, HARES And red grouse, Hedgehogs, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), MOLES, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Rats wild and fearless, Red and fallow deers trophies, Red grouse, Red squirrels, Sows and Boars, Sporting Events, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment

Hen Harriers

Driven grouse moors Where terrible wars Of attrition do happen we see The illustrious rich Carelessly pitch Their violence so effortlessly Killing these birds In so many words Those hen harriers Where can they be ?

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, birds and the environment, Emotional Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting, Red grouse, Sporting Events | Leave a comment

We create so many victims

Exactly Responsibility We take it on for The animals we choose to eat We create that awe We end their lives Their loves it all Because we want to chew Hard down on their precious flesh Meat eaters dream come … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, Bison, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Chickens, chickens.ducks., CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, Crabs, DUCKS, Fish farming and itsbimplications, geese, goats, HARES And red grouse, Kangaroos, Lambs and Sheep, Octopus, Pangolin trade in exotic species, Pheasant shooting, Pigs | Leave a comment


The League Against Cruel Sports A charity of hearts Of fouls of the angelic Who fill their chosen roles Fighting off the hunters Breaking the true Law Hunting with their dogs Hunting cubs and Deers A war Is carried out … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, birds and the environment, Dogs, Duty of care was never there, Environmental Poems, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, Gamekeeping, HARES And red grouse, Hedgerows, Minks, Mongolia, Otters, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Why what do we ever achieve by hating and ignoring

A cartoon of soughts Echoing thoughts Correctly stated Personally weighted Questioning why When we die Then what happens After we lie The old heart stops Then we go We don’t even cough By that time can’t glow Our internals vanquished … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Animism, Beavers, Bees, birds and the environment, Breathing and pollution, Breathing in colour, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, Chickens, chickens.ducks., children and their plight in a adult world, CHINA food obscenity, Crabs, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Food Processing, furs and the fur industry, Genetics, Internal Environments, Lambs and Sheep, LEATHER, Milk and its associated problems, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger, Personal Hygiene and its consequences, Pheasant shooting, Pika colonies and the climate, Rabbits, Red grouse, relationships and breakdown, Rex's Little Bits of Philosophy, Secrets within us, Sows and Boars | Leave a comment

Our wild friends are getting a raw deal

The government Me thinks Seem irreverent and they Have lost their imagination For our wild friends They display An unimaginative regard And this appears to me Why these rotten hunters Are causing such misery.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Duty of care was never there, Fox Hunting, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Magpie, Minks, MOLES, Otters, Pheasant shooting, Rabbits, Red grouse, traps and snares, WEASELS, wild birds, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

A peculiar response from those that protect

Shooting wild birds feels to me Wrong a peculiarity Red grouse very sensitive birds Yes Dear Friends I am lost for words Sanctioning a dinner for Those that kill i do abhor It nust seems creepy

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, birds and the environment, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Supplying the shooters with pot shots every year

How overall sick we are catering to The shooters & these captive raised pheasants it’s true Up 2 50 million released every year To be shot many knocked down by cars It is clear They r hopelessly unaware Ignorantly walking … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, animals used for food, birds and the environment, Emotional Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

Nurturing classes

Keep well away from the meat eating clan And those who choose dairy Just because they can Murdering babies chicks calves Oh dear All of those mothers live with abject fear

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Chickens, CHINA food obscenity, commercial fishing, DUCKS, geese, goats, HARES And red grouse, Lambs and Sheep, Pheasant shooting, Pigs | Leave a comment

Game bird deities

grouse &other game birds shot 2death Stripped of life &soul 1000’s of them made 2feel Great bitterness of role A vile vendetta 4the corvidae who b Goddess protectors in the skies Against shooters rich a plea The capitalists r foe … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Magpie, Pheasant shooting, Red grouse, The Sabbats and the old craft, wild birds | Leave a comment

Badgers and government

wildness is a quality of life and we have here Foxes  Badgers Weasels Squirrels yes and Deer all around us  rabbits Hares we know they improve  the fabric and seldom do they show nocturnal many of them having to compete … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Badgers, Emotional Poems, Forests and wild places, Fox Hunting, foxes, HARES And red grouse, Hedgehogs, Hedgerows, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting, Rabbits | Leave a comment

Renewable fuel and dead hunt puppies

The evil that is hunting 6000 or more a year healthly little puppy dogs and its very clear these buntsmen have an ugly  streak foxes of course die Chased and tortured and torn to bits you might also ask them … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs, Fox Hunting, foxes, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment

50 million

BONSON WOOD GAME FARM BRIDGEWATER SOMERSET One imagines farms of beautiful birds Where millions of them are raised each year Sheds of Pheasants and partridges Bedlam and chaos from ear to ear Disharmony everywhere simply no order Slatternly messy and … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Pheasant shooting | Leave a comment